Dec 08, 2003 21:35
i've got a FEVAH! and the only prescription for it is more cowbell.
no really..i've got a fever. dangit. i hate getting sick. :(
so tonight, my mom and i decided to go to the galleria to do some christmas shopping. if i haven't ever said this before, i'll say it again: i'm always afraid to ride in the car with my mom. actually, i'm afraid to ride in the car with ANYone.
so anyway, we're going down bellaire, and she's going about 40mph, and then decides to switch to a middle lane. well the car in front of us is already stopped, but she isn't even stepping on the brakes. all of a sudden, i see the car's red brake lights getting closer and closer...
and i'd even unconsciously put my arms up on the dashboard as if preparing myself for a collision. i tell you, i FREAK out whenever i feel like the car is about to hit something.
blame it on that car accident 6 years ago. look what it's done to me.
and then i got really teary's almost like an uncontrollable reaction whenever i think i'm about to get in a car wreck. first i like, break out in cold sweat, and then i prep myself to crash, and then i scream, and then i cry. weird, huh?
so yeah, if i ever ride in a car with you, don't do that to me. it will seriously freak me out and traumatize me even more.
another reason why i like to drive myself everywhere. other peoples' driving scares me too much.
so anyway, after i finally calmed down, she started talking to me about other stuff so i wouldn't keep thinking about it. we talked about what i'd be doing next year, possible job ideas, and where i think i'm headed in life. it's funny, tonight was the first time my mom really encouraged me in this area.
i was telling her about how one of the teachers at the village school told me that she recommeded me as a teacher, and how i also felt like my education is going to waste since i'm only a substitute.
but then my mom started telling me about how when she first started a temp job, she did such a good job that Transamerica actually offered her a fulltime job, and made her the Division Accountant for all houston divisions. that was really encouraging to hear, especially from her, because this is the first time since iv'e moved back to houston that somebody told me it's okay to start at a temp job and slowly move up. this whole time, i kept wondering what i was doing at a temp job like this, and everyone kept telling me that i needed to find something more permanent. so i guess i was a little discouraged since everyone said that to it was nice that i got to hear something else. especially from my mom.
of course, we talked about some other typical mother/daughter stuff, family stuff, like our family's future (we all think it's time to move elsewhere), my sister's new life, and all that good stuff...and for once, my mom didn't bring up the subject of finding a husband. i tell you, that is a relief. (although, my mom and i always have entertaining talks about that subject. but it's nice to not hear it at all for a change.)
so we get to macy's and start looking for stuff for people. can't find anything. we end up buying a ton of stuff for our house. AHAHAHA. they were having this HUGE sale on modern frames, so i picked a bunch of them out, and then my mom got these two frosted frames (really nice ones) and was like, oooh, we can put your sister and philbert's wedding picture in here!" so i was like, ooooh, good idear. and then we went to check out.
i go ahead to the checkout counter, and seconds later, she appears with another one of those frosted frames. and i was like, you already got one, mom.
"oh, i'm saving this one for YOU." smirk smirk smirk.
i told her in the meantime she could put a picture of clay aiken in it until i a real guy.
i've realized another good thing about not being in college. now that your'e not around your friends that much anymore, you don't have to spend too much money on presents anymore! haha.
think about it. in college, i gave christmas presents to all my good friends, all my small groups, and my own bible study. but now? haha. hooray for me.
but then that means more christmas card writing. a TON more. those are the times i think that maybe buying presents might be less time-consuming.
okay, so i've been noticing recently all the different types of sandwiches that the kids bring to lunch.
i asked one of the little kindergarteners the other day, what he brought...
"peanut butter and egg." uhh...GROSS ME OUT? that's just about the nastiest kind of sandwich for a kid to eat.
one other kid had peanut butter and CHEESE. my goodness...what is it with the peanut butter combinations? i mean, seriously...i dont' think peanut butter can taste good with just random things. but who knows...maybe i'll try it one day.
and then throw up.
random thoughts:
- i'm so ready for this year to be over.
- can you believe a year ago, i graduated from UT? time goes by waaay too fast.
- i love zen photography