Seismic Headache is Talking For Me

Nov 01, 2009 20:03

The event is finally over. Nothing blew up or anything, so even though it wasn't spectacular, we still got a lot of help, and it was pretty good.

In the wake of that, I feel like I can take on what this week is throwing at me, which is a lot, but at least I can be in (semi-) control of it!

1. Japanese VQ11
2. Tae Kwon Do Practice
3. Prepare Film Noir Group Presentation
4. Monday OASES Dinner (?)

1. Japanese LE10/漢字11
2. Film Noir Group Presentation
3. Media Studies Readings

1. 12-Page Play Final Draft

1. Japanese 漢字Quiz 11
2. Film Noir Movie Notes Review
3. Media Studies Readings
4. Media Studies Paper 2 Outline
5. Monday OASES Dinner -OR- Disney Movie Trivia Night w/Shannon -OR- Potluck with Floormates

1. Japanese WQ10-11
2. "Love's Labours Lost" Shakespeare Play with Victor (and Dinner?)
3. Write VAD Script

1. Brunch Potluck with Cluster
2. Dinner with Connie/Stanley/Kenny?

1. VAD Scriptwriting Meeting--Finish Script

In other news, I have this seismic headache from leading all the kids, but it might just be that I spent 6 hours in the sun and didn't drink any water. Whatever. I'm just glad it's over with...

The last thing is that I've eaten so much junk food in the past two days (brownies, cookies, Red Vines, funnel cake, In-N-Out, churros, free samples from Costco, and all the stuff we made) that I've really been grossed out by food and don't want to even eat. Ugh. Got to get out of this cycle this week for the end of the week!

Wish me luck on everything! And good luck all Nano-ers--you can do it!!

oases, goals

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