OK, but perhaps Kent McCord is no snack fairy?

Jan 17, 2006 09:31

This may be the fourth time for some of you reading about this, so I'm sorry for that, but I had the great pleasure of hanging out with danceswithwords and asta77 this past weekend, and it was every bit as much fun as I'd hoped it would be. They are both as snarky and smart and fun in person as they are online... I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did on Friday night, mocking Stargates, though it was also hilarious that as soon as BSG started, you could have heard a pin drop in my living room. On the carpet. Hee. I also really enjoyed hanging out with some local fannish types--it's always nice to be able to announce in front of relative strangers, in a vastly indignant tone, "'JOHN CONNOR' IS NOT SPELLED WITH AN 'E,'" without too much fear of being judged. ;) The weather was unrelentingly crappy, but otherwise it was a fabulous time. And everyone was very patient with my puppydog, which I also greatly appreciated. :) All in all, I had a wonderful time and I already can't wait to see them again.

After dropping Asta off at the airport on Sunday (sniffle!) and saying goodbye to DWW (sniffle!), I rushed the puppy to the dog park for an hour or so, and then had to rush back to my house to get showered and dressed up for a tea my friends were having in Seattle. Very fun time there, too, but by the time I was done with that, I was pretty much exhausted. So I slept till noon yesterday (since I was lucky enough to have the day off), and spent most of the rest of the day getting caught up on Veronica Mars, thanks to the DVDs that DWW very generously brought for me.

And yet, despite my total sloth, I am still dragging in a rather pathetic fashion today. What is up with that?!

Anyway. I think anything about last week's BSG would probably be coals to Newcastle, so I'll just say that though my reaction was a bit mixed, I'm certainly looking forward to this week's episode, as well as to new Veronica Mars. (Mr. McK had this grand plan about how we should ration the DVDs so that we wouldn't have to wait from week to week... HAHAHAHAHA.)

Can I go back to bed now? Please?

ETA: Spoilers for BSG 2x12 and Veronica Mars S2 in comments.

veronica mars, personal, bsg, appreciation

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