Oh smack! He said your mom is nice.

Dec 02, 2009 13:36

Vidding Love Meme! Go show your favorite vidders some love!

You guys, I HAVE HAD A REVELATION. While I was walking in to work this morning, "For Your Entertainment" came up on my iPod, and I've been thinking about how half of Adam's album will probably end up on SYTYCD at some point or another, and it occurred to me: if Blake McGrath is not listening to this song 24 hours a day, I would be STUNNED. THIS IS TOTALLY BLAKE'S JAM. As evidence, I give you... well, I would give you Blake's latex-clad S&M canonically slashy group number to "LoveGame" from the Top 14 show on Canada S2, but I don't have a link for that handy, so instead I give you Blake's vaguely S&M boot-licking magician/assistant routine from S2, which gives you some idea of the vibe. SEE WHAT I AM SAYING? ARTISTIC SOULMATES. Seriously, if Blake doesn't choreograph something filthy to this song next season, then I am going to be REALLY DISAPPOINTED. And now I am trying to picture Adam and Blake hanging out (they both live in LA! it could happen!) and I... I think that could be kind of awesome, actually. WOW. I JUST BLEW MY OWN MIND.

Speaking of the magic of the dance, that was an awesome show last night! It was SO GOOD to see Jakob and Ellenore shine together; that was phenomenal. And everyone's clip packages were kind of adorable, except for Nathan, who I still want to PUNCH IN HIS STUPID FACE WITH HIS STUPID FAKE CROCODILE TEARS OH MY GOD GET OFF MY SCREEN NATHAN. And the Noelle/Ryan hip-hop was dirtyawesomehot (especially for her; she really NAILS the hip-hop, for a contemporary dancer, it's kind of amazing). And I LOVE this new Broadway choreographer they have--he's AMAZING, and despite my desire to punch Nathan in his stupid face, he and especially Kathryn did a FANTASTIC job with that number. And Kathryn KILLED the rhumba, though Nathan was not at all good in that. And while I could not get on board with the Russell/Mollee contemporary--I'm sorry, SHE'S A CHILD, I can't get past this, though the choreography was lovely and I would have loved to have seen Russell do that with basically any of the other women--the jive was absolutely perfect for them, and I LOVED that. (Though of course I would have rather seen Pasha and Anya doing it--the Anya/Danny jive from S3 is still one of my favorite routines on this show ever--but still. I love the way Russell lights up and embodies that kind of old Broadway COOL, and Mollee's cuteness was at a very tolerable level, and it was good times.)

Also, um, somehow Legacy has kind of become my favorite. I KIND OF HATE MYSELF FOR THIS. But he's REALLY talented, and he's really unintentionally dorky, and he has SO MANY FEELINGS, and also he and Kathryn are TOTALLY DOING IT--did you hear Cat talking about how Kathryn was ("literally," oh Cat no, that would be messy) screaming her head off for him offstage after his solo? AWWWWWWWW. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Also, that solo was phenomenal--I think I literally stopped breathing about halfway through it. Wow. So my call for the top 4, as of right now, is Legacy, Jakob, Ellenore, and Kathryn. At least that's what I'm hoping for! I think Russell will make top 6, but he's not as outgoing as Legacy, and Jakob has that Travis style of knock-you-flat technique going for him, so I think they'll edge him out. But we'll see. I think there are clearer distinctions with the girls; I think Noelle is going soon (she's good, she's just not GREAT), and hopefully Mollee, and Ashleigh is starting to flag a bit (though her solo was pretty awesome, for a ballroom solo, and I really don't think she and Legacy clicked much, so it will be interesting to see her next week with a different partner), so I really do think/hope it will be Kathryn and Ellenore.

OH. And RYAN'S SOLO. I LOLED IRL. I have basically stopped disliking Ryan, but he is still SUCH A CHEESEFEST, and so the fact that he danced a BALLROOM SOLO to ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE, with no trace of irony... oh Ryan. Ohhhh Ryan. Oh, honey, NO. *giggling*

But anyway. Despite the fact that there were several routines that didn't quite click for me, there were enough exceptional routines last night that I went away going, wow, AWESOME SHOW. So yay! YAY MAGIC OF THE DANCE.

I am kind of ridiculously sad about the end of David Cook's tour, which is even more hilarious/pathetic given that I am so very late to this party, but. Awwww. No more tour shenanigans! :( I am comforting myself with the thought of how they will all be REUNITED on New Year's Eve, which, seriously... there is literally NO OTHER CELEBRITY that I would rather see on NYE than David Cook, and I include Hugh Dillon in that (a time-machine thing involving the Headstones would give him a run for his money, but even then, I'm not entirely sure). That is going to be EPIC, and I hope there are A MILLION HOURS OF VIDEO taken. (And seriously, can I just say yet again how this fandom RULES at the media capture/distribution? I am SO GRATEFUL for everyone who's so on top of that shit, even though it eats my life. Hee.) Also it's not like most of them don't live in LA, so at least they'll get to hang out, and I'll be very curious to see how the tweeting goes, whether it trails off due to no longer having a lot of time to kill on the bus, or whether it picks up due to lack of regular infusions of post-show ladies to be covered in. *g* But still. No more banter for a YEAR, and no more recaps of Fried Things Dave Has Eaten Recently, and no more snarky rimshots from Kyle, and no more guitar!sex, and no more Neal/Andy synchronized head-banging, and no more Hot For Teacher (as dugrival put it, "the song that makes Cook slutty even by Cook standards"), and no more prank wars, and no more random (and gorgeous) pics from Andy, and no more Dave fucking with Neal's CAREFULLY CRAFTED SETLIST (AHEM, zabira), and no more Neal playing everyone else's guitars, and no more suprise!lead!singer!Andy, and WOE. On the plus side: new album! And maybe new stuff from Andy and/or Neal's various projects! *bounces* (WRITE WITH NEAL, COOK. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE.)

Random linkage:

Andy Skib singing an acoustic version of "Let's Get It On". OH ANDY. I CANNOT DECIDE WHETHER I WANT TO TOUSLE YOUR HAIR OR TACKLE YOU TO THE GROUND. Bonus points for the fact that this is the same night where Andy was trashed off his ass, HEE. ♥ (Yes, I see you there, Bryan Jewett. I will get to you, I promise! *eyes sparkysgirl*) Oh, Drunk!Andy, you're one of my favorite Andys; please let me help you stumble home! (Or, you know, arrange for one of your hotass friends to help you stumble home. EITHER WAY.)

Remember how yesterday I was all, "OMG, ALLISON IS AWESOME"? SERIOUSLY. SHE'S SO. FREAKING. AWESOME. Check out her rocking the hell out of Friday I'll Be Over U on GMA yesterday (MOSTLY-GIRL BAND! THIS MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY!), and then doing an absolutely stunning acoustic version of Don't Waste the Pretty, courtesy of the ever-amazing Michael Slezak. (Note: don't be put off by the inane song titles; both songs are REALLY cool in their own ways, though I seriously, seriously wish they'd come up with something besides "Don't Waste the Pretty" for that line, because in all other ways, I LOVE the song, but that is just... yeah. Not as profound as it could be. Hee.) I made Mr. McK watch/listen to these last night and he made a very gratifying O.O face. \allison/

Have had confirmation from two independent sources today that El Corazon does, in fact, totally suck as a venue. WOO. Pray for us! Heee.

and the anthemic, allison iraheta is done taking your shit, sharing is caring, magic of the dance, david cook was created in a lab, music, adam lambert has a python on his crotch

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