Perhaps Allison would disapprove of this form of Robot Love?

Dec 01, 2009 15:47

Mainly I am just here to state for the record my intense, heart-bursting love for Allison Iraheta, and her fucking awesome new album. I AM SO PROUD OF HER. I was actually looking forward to this album the most out of the Kradison trifecta, and I'm THRILLED with it. It seems like the perfect mix of Allison's world-weary, whiskey-rough voice with the fact that she is actually a hyper 17-year-old; I don't know quite how they managed that, but it works really, really well. It rocks and rolls and bops and sighs and there's really only one song on it that I don't like, and that's because of the seriously sketchy subject matter (sorry, Alli) rather than the song itself, and she SOUNDS uniformly AMAZING throughout. It's not everything I ever want from the rest of her career, but it's a hell of a launching pad. FOUR FOR YOU, MS. IRAHETA, I LOVE YOU.

In other happy musical news, greensilver and I are going to see the Crash Kings tomorrow, along with Rooney (a band I suspect I should know more about than that Seth Cohen had a poster of theirs on his bedroom wall, and yet) and... some other band I'm forgetting. The online reviews of the venue (El Corazon, for the record) claim that it is the worst in Seattle, which is kind of hilarious given that the online reviews of the Showbox SoDo (which is where we saw the Crash Kings the first time around, along with some dude named David... Rook? Book? something like that) claim that IT is the worst venue in Seattle. CRAPPY VENUE SHOWDOWN... WHO WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS? I'll find out tomorrow night! I'm really looking forward to the show, however; I've been listening to their album in a dedicated sort of way for the first time, and I really, really like it (they actually remind me of MWK in some ways, mainly something in the particular arching tension of Tony's voice and the long phrases in the lyrics; Amazon likens them to Artic Monkeys, which is an association that popped into my head this morning as I was listening in the car, and probably more accurate to people who are not constantly teetering on the edge of thinking about MWK whether they're listening to music or, like, buying milk). And they're even better live. And also hot. So I'm psyched. :)

Also I could not resist the Complete Farscape for $58. O.O THAT IS HELLA CHEAP. GET ON MY DVD SHELF. (And now rogairedubh can inherit my Starburst Editions, since I have been giving him Farscape in fairly random order and quality for several years now.)

It just doesn't feel like Christmas season yet to me for some reason; maybe it's that I'm not stressing over a holiday fic exchange, which... I actually sort of miss? What am I going to do without my annual marathon Panera visit(s) to write/faff about not writing? Clearly I'm going to have to observe that anyway; I have a longish fic that I'm working on that it would take a Christmas miracle to finish in the next few weeks, but hey, you never know. Quick, somebody hypnotize me into thinking I have a deadline! *waits*

Last night I was looking for Christmas music and I ended up buying tracks from both Mario Lanza and David Archuleta off of Amazon MP3; I'm pretty sure THAT caused a rip in some artistic space-time continuum somewhere, but hey. I LIKE A LOT OF THINGS, OKAY. (Ooh, and I just found Brooke White's Christmas EP, too, which I was looking for last night but could not find because it's apparently an iTunes exclusive. SIGH. STOP MAKING THESE THINGS SO HARD TO FIND, PPL. I would never have known about that if Carly hadn't tweeted about it, so score one for Twitter marketing, score minus a bunch for exclusive crap. Also score a million for Carly and how she is my girlfriend. WHAT.)

... wow, that was an exceptionally thrilling update, wasn't it? Sorry. Go buy Allison's album! She's amazing!

allison iraheta is done taking your shit, music, farscape, crash kings

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