Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad

Sep 03, 2009 14:47

Help me out here:

Poll Is it just me?

SO. LEVERAGE LAST NIGHT. I love that this show ships my OT3 as much as I do! ♥ ♥ ♥ Also, I love ( spoilers )

things that should happen, sharing is caring, david cook was created in a lab, leverage, headstones, music

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zabira September 3 2009, 23:00:34 UTC
Okay, I feel sort of like I'm taking my David Cook doll and my Hugh Dillon doll and making them kiss.

HEEEEEEEEEEEE. that IS what you are doing! i laughed and laughed at this, BUT it is ALSO true they'd completely DIG one another. HONESTLY. as i said, where's THAT fic?

ION: no leverage in my life yet! itunes gave it to me with no sound. *cries*


brynnmck September 4 2009, 21:05:55 UTC
I'm sure that Cook would dig Hugh (though I suppose that's not saying much, because evidence indicates that DAMN NEAR EVERYONE digs Hugh). I can't quite figure out what Hugh would think of Cook (not that I think he'd dislike him, because how could you? but just because there's such a vast experience gap between them), but man, the banter would be AWESOME. *g*

OH NOES NO SOUND. Did you find it yet? They usually have them up on the TNT website, don't they?

(Also, re: your icon: OH TO BE A MICROPHONE. Holy caressing, batman.)


zabira September 4 2009, 21:11:55 UTC
the banter would be EPIC. i do think hugh would GET where cook was coming from, once he got past the whole american idol thing, don't you?

and NOOOOOOOOOOOO, don't have it yet! ITUNES FAIL. the TNT website doesn't like macs, or i woulda watched it there ages ago.

(microphones get ALL the fun, yes.)


brynnmck September 4 2009, 21:21:57 UTC
i do think hugh would GET where cook was coming from, once he got past the whole american idol thing, don't you?

I would assume so, yeah? I mean, they are both RIDICULOUSLY LIKEABLE guys, and obviously have a lot in common. ROAD STORIES. That would be awesome.

(Speaking of road stories, do you follow Neal and/or Andy on Twitter? There have been amusing shenanigans today. Also, randomly, a Cook quote I ran across last night [paraphrased]: "It's amazing what forgetting to shave will do for you. But unintentional cougar bait is still cougar bait, so it's all good." *DIES SO MUCH*)

the TNT website doesn't like macs, or i woulda watched it there ages ago.

BOO, TNT, YOU WHORE. Do you want some assistance, or are you going to wait for iTunes to figure its shit out?


zabira September 4 2009, 21:28:43 UTC
OMG, ROAD STORIES. plus, the years struggling to make his mark, though that was a SHORTER time frame than hugh's as he's TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER. i think they'd be in sympathy with one another.

(i DON'T actually follow andy or neal, though cook would apparently like it if i did. i'll check it out as soon as i stop typing this comment.)

and HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. he said that in his interview with michael slezak! (<3) i spent several hours last night watching the 2008 idolatry coverage. (i also watched archie's interview, and as usual, slezak got him to KINDA calm down enough that his personality actually showed through for a few minutes. he's surprisingly mature for someone who is 17 going on 12.)

UM, yeah, i can get it from the usual places, i'd assume. i'm going to wait a few more hours and see what happens.


brynnmck September 4 2009, 21:39:36 UTC
i think they'd be in sympathy with one another.I think you are probably right ( ... )


zabira September 4 2009, 21:45:05 UTC
COOK ON IDOLATRY. there's a tab for 2008, and his interview is the first thing there. THE REST IS ALSO AWESOME.

aw, poor archie! he's just SO YOUNG and SO AWKWARD. *pets him* i do love how cook GLOMPS him all the time, so he's at least laughing AT COOK instead of in utter TERROR.


brynnmck September 4 2009, 21:48:17 UTC

i do love how cook GLOMPS him all the time, so he's at least laughing AT COOK instead of in utter TERROR.

YES INDEED. David Cook = best adopted big brother EVAR, I think, and they are EXTREMELY ADORABLE. (I'm still AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWing over Archie's tweet about Light On the other day. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.)


zabira September 4 2009, 22:00:11 UTC
YEP. best big brother EVAH. (sorreeeeeeeeeeee, i'm just going to keep posting this gif everywhere. IT IS MY FAVORITE.)

(yet another plus in the BFF column, BTW. cook, you're confusing me daily! i SO want to take you down like a rodeo calf, but also sit around and paint your fingernails, WHICH YOU WOULD LET ME DO, AS THIS VIDEO CLEARLY SHOWS [ignore the eleanor rigby, which isn't my favorite of his].)


brynnmck September 4 2009, 22:51:40 UTC
I LOVE THAT GIF. IT IS THE MOST ADORABLY GLOMPY THING. I am also hilariously fond of this one; it's just so RANDOM. Also this picture--Archie's face is PRICELESS.

i SO want to take you down like a rodeo calf, but also sit around and paint your fingernails


(edited for html fail, sorry)


zabira September 4 2009, 23:09:13 UTC
HEE. actually, maybe this is my favorite. archie's like, "what the actual fuck, YOU FREAK?"

also, handstands. cook makes a really great kid. he's SO adorable with his nieces, too, but at the same time is clearly capable of respecting archie as an adult. HI, I LOVE THAT.


brynnmck September 5 2009, 04:13:20 UTC
AHAHAHA THAT ONE IS ALSO AWESOME. Archie's reaction is this amazing combination of "awww" and "OMG HELP THIS CRAZY PERSON WILL NOT LET GO OF ME." And then Cook laughing his ass off afterward. HEE.

HANDSTANDS! I've never seen that! OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL ADORABLE. Archie laboriously tucking in his shirt! <3 (And also TOTALLY GOING FOR IT, so GOOD FOR HIM. And kicking Cook's ass in the balance department!) And then Cook afterward: "I'm not athletic, I'm sorry." YOU FUCKING LIAR. I SAW YOU STRETCH OUT YOUR INJURED SHOULDER, YOU HOTASS FORMER PITCHER, YOU. ICU DAVID COOK. ICU.

Ahem. Possibly I have a kink for Cook and baseball. SO SUE ME.


zabira September 5 2009, 20:26:40 UTC
i'm pretty sure cook LIVES to get archie to make that face. this vid is intended to be 'shippy, but really, it's a testament to cook's MANY attempts to get archie to be a kid and have fun and goof around with him. IT'S AWESOME. and archie's WTAF face is priceless.


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