They've got a strange obsession for my automatic weapon

Jul 12, 2008 01:18

OH MY GOD FLASHPOINT. We had the EXTREME pleasure of watching this courtesy of sdwolfpup and her big-ass HDTV, and DAMN. That was AWESOME. As was the company in general, as was the fact that as soon as the show started, zabira and mrs_laugh_track and I squished ourselves as close together as possible and proceeded to DIE TOGETHER REPEATEDLY for the next hour or so.

Man. Fans RULE.

I will be honest with you, there is an enormous portion of my brain that is just completely shorted out by the HUUUUUUGH. So I will get the flailing out of the way first and then go for some probably-incoherent general reactions. Possibly I will be back at a later date after I have watched the episode again and attempted to digest it with something resembling equanimity.

Okay, flailing: how fucking INSANELY hot is Hugh in this show?! Holy GOD. I must admit, I have never fully embraced the shaved head, but now? In this role? YES PLEASE. And short of Hugh quoting Shakespeare, I had pretty much ALL of my fannish needs serviced here. Manpain, gooooorgeous lingering eye shots, SMILING AND LAUGHING OMG (THANK you, Hugh, for finally doing something that is not unrelentingly depressing!), uniform/gun kink in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE, tactical smartness, gratuitous semi-singing (I was SO WRONG to doubt the potential of the G&S, it was AWESOME), KOWALSKI immediately followed by STRIPPING (china_shop, the first thing I said when they said "Kowalski" was that you were going to DIE, and hai, you are going to be writing the Ed/Kowalski AU, RIGHT?!?! it is GIFT-WRAPPED FOR YOU), did I mention the STRIPPING (_unhurt_, did you dig the thigh porn? As Sonia said, "Somewhere Unhurt just died and she doesn't even know why!"), the whole team cameraderie thing, and then the MANLY TEARS and HUGGING OF CHILDREN... I mean. Holy CRAP, people. I am ON MY KNEES. And then there was that shot where you could see the two earring holes in his ear and it was like Hugh-of-the-past superimposed on Hugh-of-the-present, and wow. I am overwhelmed.

And Hugh got TOP BILLING. I just. *flappy hands*

Things that are (mostly) non-Hugh-related: wow, this is an extremely beautiful show. Toronto looks fantastic, and the cinematography is gorgeous without being as heavily stylized as, say, Durham County (which is awesome for that show, but only works in a very limited context). I am CLEARLY going to be needing to clear out some icon space for this. And I'm really interested in the rest of the team, especially Jules--I've never seen Amy Jo Johnson in anything before, but I immediately kind of fell in love with her. The tough-chick thing is really hard to do without overdoing it, and she is absolutely perfect, just laid-back and kick-ass. And I adore the sort of brother-sister relationship she's got going on with Ed--I really can't wait to see how that develops. Enrico's character seems very cool, and I'm glad they're apparently going to focus more on him next week; I'm looking forward to him playing a larger role, and I think his relationship with Ed could be really interesting, too (*koff*). David Paetkau's character is... really douchey ("Lady sniper"? Um, HELL NO). But I am going to hope that the douchey-ness is just on account of his sekkrit manpain? Because he seems to have that. I also really, really dig the whole team focus--I can see that working for me in a BIG way as it develops. Plus, helloooooo, Canadian Actor Bingo! *g*

Some parts of the action were a little OTT, and I will totally admit to having no objectivity whatsoever about this show, but. I think it definitely has potential, and I really, really hope it gets the opportunity to explore that a bit.

No matter what, though, I will always have this pilot, and I gotta say, that is a HELL of a lot. :)

One note: I never do this, and it probably goes without saying, but. If you have negative things to say about the show or especially about Hugh, that's totally cool--I just ask that you please don't say them here in my journal. I would really appreciate it.

However, if you have GOOD things to say about the show or especially Hugh, PLEASE COME SIT NEXT TO ME. :D

On a related note: man, the squee on my flist was so awesome today. When I first discovered the whole Hugh thing, I felt like I was flailing all alone in the corner, and then I found brooklinegirl, and then I found china_shop, and malnpudl, and troyswann, and now I have pretty much done my best to make myself Hugh Dillon Central, and there are all these new fans falling prey to the Flu, and... glee is SO much better when it's shared. Thank you guys all SO MUCH for sharing it with me. *many many hearts*

Okay. Bed, possibly? Or possibly re-watching. WHAT?


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