Bitchin' Report - Part 3!

Apr 04, 2008 11:47

Part THREE OMGWTF of my bitchinparty report! Also known as "no, this is not even the last part"! Thursday and Friday here, Saturday here.

ALSO. If anyone has PICTURES (of me or anyone else), PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME. brynnmck [at] gmail. I did not take ANY. *fails*

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Oh, tired and hung over. \o/ Sock Puppet Joe spent the night on a bag of Cheetos, propped up against a six-pack of cider, which seemed fitting. I was a little worried about my ability to make it through the day, but I went to Starbucks and the grocery store with troyswann, and between the caffeine and the fresh air and the Sal, felt MUCH better by the time we returned.

Wandered downstairs to nomnomnom on waffles, though I had been expecting fruit syrup, and there was none. It was very sad. (Side note: it has been generally agreed-upon that most people would have been willing to pay a few more bucks for registration if it had meant bacon at breakfast. I have heard your pleas, y'all! Next time we will aim for bacon! BACON OR BUST in 2010! *waves bacon flag*)

I bid a sad farewell to asta77, who had to leave early due to work obligations, and then it was time for greensilver and me to get the Slings and Arrows panel going. Things that are awesome about moderating a panel with Greensilver: 1) she is really smart; 2) she is scary good at keeping track of the order in which people raised their hands; and 3) she is really warm and snuggly and will let you lean on her if you are, say, tired and hung over and verticality is a challenge. EXCELLENT. And I really enjoyed the panel-we actually spent a lot of time talking about Richard, which was not at all what I expected, but was really fascinating. Also someone brought up (regrettably, toward the end, when we didn't have time to really explore it) that we should discuss the concepts/definitions of "success" (and the tension between artistic and commercial success) as they're used in both S&A and Hard Core Logo, and I kind of had to sit down because OMG, S&A and HCL, HOT. There was actually a stunned silence in the room as we all pondered the hotness of it. (Someone should write that essay. I would probably swoon.)

After that, I went to Sal's world-building panel, which both made me want to take a hundred billion classes from her (again, some more), and also made me want to cry (again, some more) that my brain will never work the way hers does. But I am TRYING, okay, and I am learning slowly, and the panel was excellent and I did feel like I got good ideas from it despite my brain deficiencies, so overall it was definitely FTW. (Plus the fact that nos4a2no9 had read all the books that Sal was referencing was pretty much the cutest thing ever.)

Next was lunch with sdwolfpup and danceswithwords, which was absolutely lovely. DWW is truly one of my favorite people in the world, and getting to spend some mellow quality time with her was fantastic. I brought Sock Puppet Joe with us (of course!), and he sat on the windowsill in the diner and told stories about everyone. (Um. In my head.) Which was awesome except that I actually FORGOT HIM (*ducks to avoid _unhurt_'s wrath*) and had to go back to the diner and explain to the nice people sitting there that, um, the sock puppet with the cigarette and martini glass was mine and could I have him back, please? (The woman at the table seemed confused, but also amused and maybe even slightly impressed, so she seemed like good people.)

Wrapped up the day with mlyn's "Modern Fictional Heroes" panel, and since that is a major kink of mine and M'lyn did a fabulous job with the moderating and there were very smart people saying very smart things, I was a very happy fangirl. I had to duck out midway through to say goodbye to DWW (woe! *sniffles*), but everything I heard was fantastic. There was discussion of Fraser and Sarah Connor and John Connor and no one spoiled me for The Wire (thank you!!), and I ripped off Sal's smartness re: Superman, and eventually I, personally, came to the conclusion that it's all about Batman vs. Superman. \o/

That decided, we got everyone together again to award the prizes for the Dinosaur Comics competition, which was a three-way tie between kormantic, girlcakes, and lornelover. I only had two prizes and couldn’t decide how to determine the winners, until Courtney volunteered that a) she would give up her shot at a prize since she'd won one in Pictionary the previous day but b) we should make the top three candidates read theirs out loud anyway. (Courtney: "So it's RIGGED! I LIKE it!") Which we did, and everyone gave stirring performances, and it was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that a show of Paul Gross arms could not determine a clear winner! So I proceeded to make Kormantic and Lornelover choose a number between one and ten, and THEY BOTH CHOSE THE SAME NUMBER. GOD. Throw me a bone, here, people! Lornelover finally picked another number, which turned out to be the number I'd had in mind, and for that she won the adorable T-Rex hand puppet which I had ordered specially for the occasion (meaning I will now be getting email from Puppet Universe for the foreseeable future). Kormantic got a puzzle in a dinosaur egg, and at the last minute I remembered we had a small purple stuffed T-Rex that SDW had bought as backup in case the puppet didn't show up, so that went to Courtney, and everyone appeared satisfied with their, um, booty. WOO DINOSAUR COMICS.

Then it was time for the Pimp My Fandom panel! I was thrilled at how many people participated, and how everyone listened (and cheered, and cat-called) attentively, and people actually got pimped into new fandoms, and it was excellent. (And dragonkal and sorchar pimped Torchwood-adorably, and with sexy visual aids!-which struck me as particularly adorable considering, as Sal said to me, "Pimping Torchwood is like pimping air." Heeee. Trufax! *is the one loser not currently watching Torchwood*)

And then I had to make my closing remarks and I DID NOT cry (despite having gotten verklempt in the shower that morning, thinking about it), and I sprung it on everyone that I had never attended a fan con before, AHAHAHA, and it was all very sad. So sad that as soon as everyone started getting up from their chairs, I almost IMMEDIATELY plunged into a state of EXTREME grumpiness and woe-seriously, the journey from "yay fans I love you all" to "OMG DEPTHS OF DESPAIR" was short and precipitous and unpleasant (brooklinegirl, you were so right!)-and dessert_first made the mistake of asking how I was doing and I put my head on her shoulder and whined for a few minutes (sorry, Dess! And thank you! That's what you get for having such a beautiful smile! ♥).

I rallied myself a bit by announcing the Hard Core Logo screening that we were planning on later, to scattered cheers and excitement. I should also point out here that people had attacked the Con Library/swag table like a pack of fic-and-swag-hungry fangirls, which was FANTASTIC. That table made me incredibly happy every time I looked at it, all piled high with all manner of media like a monument to fannish awesome. ♥ ♥ ♥ Anyway, I pressed my brynn-ions into servitude once more to get things cleaned up, and while pipsqueaky schooled everyone on a/v breakdown (with sdwolfpup's expert supervision), Sal and Greensilver and I put as much leftover stuff as would fit into my car (and that was WAY less fun than loading things into my car BEFORE the con, let me tell you), and it was like striking a set always felt, that same "wait! I wasn't ready!" sort of desperate ache. It sucked. EVERYONE COME BACK NOW PLZ. Ahem. Anyway. I think I went upstairs and hung out in our room for a bit, and subjected Greensilver to the Ray/Ray cheer and blooper reel, and was too woeful to eat anything (which I sincerely regretted later when I discovered that room service was only available till 10:00).

And then. THEN. It was time for Hard Core Logo.

OK, so. Pretty much since we'd determined that we would need/want a projector, I'd had this dream of watching HCL on a big screen on Sunday night. (There's also a place here in Seattle where you can actually rent out a 40-seat theatre with a real full-size movie screen in it, and someday I'd like to watch HCL there, too-it's so pretty! It deserves bigness!-but anyway.) But I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to do it because we had a limited amount of time that we could use the projector before we got charged for another day, so when SDW and I did the math on Sunday and realized that we could probably swing it, I was REALLY disproportionately excited. So when the moment came, we dimmed the lights and fired it up and the random guy started speaking in German, and you guys.


Everyone sang along to all the songs and did Billy's golf claps and said "Waiting for papers" and "You don't know shit from good chocolate, babies" and "All I wanted was a fuckin' burger" and "John John John the bass player John John from Hard Core Logo" and flailed over the knife-licking and sighed over the truly off-sides black and white shots and swooned over the hand-holding and said "oh, Joe" and "oh, Billy" and Sal reminded me of how I'd stood in THAT VERY SPOT outside the Commodore (even if we did not lick the stage, because you'd have to lick for a long time to get back to 1995) and I giggled and gleed when Joe said my name (even if it was followed by "why don't you fuck off"), and it was just. Pure. Awesome. I want to do that EVERY TIME I watch HCL now. And then it ended and there was silence, except for a few "meep"s and the imperceptible sound of me petting Sock Puppet Joe, so I moved us on to the "Cemetery" video and everyone sang/shouted along and said "WTF Hugh and Bruce?!" and remarked on how really QUITE CLOSE Hugh and Tim appear to be, and I championed poor neglected Dale and his three seconds of screentime, and THAT was awesome. And then we watched a little bit of the commentary video and fast-forwarded through Noel's blathering (malnpudl, at the beginning: "Can we all just say it now? SHUT UP, NOEL!") but hit play again when we got to Hugh looking REALLY INTENTLY at the movie (*swoons*), and then we got to the part where Hugh SMILES that gorgeous, open, phenomenal smile and the clear blue eyes and the big screen and I DIED because I love him SO MUCH.

AHEM. So. Yes. Highlight for me, clearly.

And then afterward we hung around and discussed burning issues like traumatizing dS badfic and whether or not we would have sex with Joe Dick (Mal and Unhurt and I: "YES!" Sal: "Why don't you just lick the bathroom floor instead?"), and it was lovely. And Unhurt found a leftover sticker shaped like a candy heart that said "love me," and insisted that I stick it on Sock Puppet Joe, which of course I promptly did, because best idea ever. And as Sal pointed out, a gun in one pocket and a "love me" sticker on the other-that's our Joe all over, right? ♥

At that point I looked at my watch and was utterly stunned that it was 10:30, and started to get a little panicky with the wait-don't-go! again, but Sal and Greensilver and I dragged SDW up to our room to watch dS with us while we packed. (Well, Sal and I packed. Greensilver tried to stay awake. ♥) And there was Pizza and Promises (or, as we-and the French translation on the Canadian DVDs-like to call it, SOS Pizza) and The Deal, and there was rum, and there was also some packing, but mainly there was "oh, Ray" and "oh, Fraser" and it was really the perfect way to end the day, and OMG, seriously, you all need to come back now. *desperate graspy hands*

Next up: Monday! And wrap-up thoughts! And that is not even counting my traditional Opening Day recap, which will come separately! I keep telling myself that in five years, I will be glad that I recorded all of this for my own reference!

This does, however, seem like a good time to share with you some of my favorite random quotes from the weekend. There were many, many more-my GOD fangirls are funny-but these are just the ones that stuck in my head and that I haven't already mentioned:

girlcakes at the Farscape panel: "Yeah, everyone always goes on about John and Aeryn's angst, but can we talk about, like, D'Argo's secret cutting in his quarters? Because seriously. Dude's had it rough."

sdwolfpup, when I came down to the hallway outside the con space and found Sock Puppet Joe with a Mountie doll's arm around his neck and a Stetson on his head: "Sock Puppet Joe is growing as a person."

mrs_laugh_track, on the martinis scene in HCL: "Billy is undoing Joe's PANTS with his BRAIN."

zabira, on how to go about achieving orgasm with Joe Dick (because he is clearly not going to help you that much): "'Just keep talking, Joe; I'll get there.'"

greensilver, upon waking up on Monday morning: "What happened? There was Fraser. And now it's morning." (Actually, Greensilver said hilarious and totally random things every morning when she woke up-this was just the only one I could remember.)

Greensilver, saying goodbye to Sal: "Good luck with Canada."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

come to our bitchin' party

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