In which I am the Anti-Rob Donoghue

Jan 23, 2011 18:38

Twitter comments from Ryan Macklin and Fred Hicks reminded that I hadn't added Rob Donoghue's blog to my RSS reader after my last general reset, so I've done that now. Turns out to be a good thing, too. He's written something that strikes a firebolt in my brane:

n fact, you could probably get away with really simplifying hit points by just tracking the number of “hits” a monster took over the course of a fight. Hit him with a basic attack or an at will, or do some real on going damage, it’s one hit. Hit him with an encounter power and it’s two hits. Daily and it’s 3. Strikers by and large do an extra hit. Simple, yes, but such a fight would be virtually identical to a normal one from a player’s perspective (barring some sort of math nerd tracking all damage at all times) provided the number of hits worked out close to those of a regular fight. Players would still track damage (because, hey, they have the bandwidth) but the GM could more easily tune fights up and down with this system.

The problem is that players wouldn’t stand for it. We _like_ rolling damage.

You know, that would go beautifully well with my general thoughts for diceless gaming. It would go very, very well with the general scheme given in the Karmic20 post I mentioned a while back - it's something that could be modified by hero points along with chance of success and such.

Happy thoughts here.

diceless gaming

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