The Lunar Festival is underway, three weeks of honoring the ancestors of various races, seeing a bunch of sights, and collecting some nifty threads. It's one of my favorite things in WoW;
WoW Insider has a good guide with some screenshots and general explanations. Here are some of the elders as seen by Caradoc the paladin and Shausya the druid.
I've created the Flickr photoset
What I Saw Today in WoW, by the way; thanks to Frances for chatting through possible titles for these posts and the set with me, helping me get the right ambience with the attention to nuance of implication she's so good at.
And now, on with the show, behind the safety cut tag.
A night elf elder in Winterspring:
An elder of the taunka, related to the tauren, in Storm Peaks:
An elder of the Earthen, the ancestors of dwarves (and, sort of, gnomes), in Borean Tundra:
A dwarf elder in Silithus:
A tauren elder in the Southern Barrens: