Exercise and stuff

Feb 19, 2012 18:25

Right, have spent entire weekend eating junk and have, more generally allowed myself to get entirely too fat -- can't afford to buy an entire new wardrobe of clothes that fit better, apart from anything else. I partly blame Kit, he is definitely a feeder and has no sort of discipline when it comes to food whatsoever. He simply eats what he wants when he wants it, which is fine for him as he has some sort of in-built sense of portion control, but not at all fine for me. So I'd better sort it out somehow!

I'm going to begin (again) with my train-to-10km running schedule tomorrow morning, and diary it in my diet journal filter. If I make any particular strides towards healthy eating I may record them as well. Anyone who's not on the filter and interested, let me know.

In the meanwhile I have the cough to beat all coughs. Like the kind where, if you hear it on the bus, you think Is that person consumptive and please can they get off soon? Kit and I have slept in the same bed the last three nights -- I at his Thursday night and last night, he at mine on Friday night, and I've been keeping us both awake. On Thursday night, by about 2am, one of my coughing fits caused him to flop over and huff in frustration. I got up and went to the loo, then tiptoed downstairs and tucked myself in on the sofa. I didn't take the extra duvet because I knew if he knew what I was doing he'd stop me! By a few hours later I thought I'd got away with it, but oh no... come 5am or so, appears a figure saying, "Babe, what the hell are you doing?! Come back to bed!" Any suggestions thereafter that he might want me to sleep separate from him were met with a firm negative or a "Have a word with yourself!" Result is, though, the weekend has not been as restful as it might have been. *sigh* I thought I'd got my winter coughs sorted years ago when I went vegan. It certainly seemed so, for years. But everyone is saying this year is particularly nasty for viruses.

diet journal, sick

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