Right, have spent entire weekend eating junk and have, more generally allowed myself to get entirely too fat -- can't afford to buy an entire new wardrobe of clothes that fit better, apart from anything else. I partly blame Kit, he is definitely a feeder and has no sort of discipline when it comes to food whatsoever. He simply eats what he wants
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Comments 5
Good luck with diet/exercise resolutions. Since Mat and I moved in together, I actually serve all of our meals in two different sized dinner bowls. This works great for me because he can eat like a horse and stay slim, and also has a higher calorie need than me to not feel hungry/have enough energy, while I can generally eat whatever is in front of me (having been brought up with that damaging 'eat everything on your plate, children are starving in Africa' crap). So, if I give myself a smaller portion I eat it and am satisfied, and so is he with the bigger plate.
The other tip I can give you is cut down on/cut out oil - I have started trying not to use any oils or margarines (I've been reading a lot of China Study/Dr Esselstyn stuff) and have found it effortless to maintain my weight ever since. I just saute stuff in a bit of water or broth, it makes no difference to the flavour.
Yes, this year has been a nightmare for viruses - people have been dropping like flies. I hope you feel better soon, and don't start running again too soon, it won't help your cough!
(And hope you feel better. Being dealing with my own cough for two months. Got it from my shelter cat. Alas.)
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