Lap-dancing = degradation

Mar 19, 2009 22:54

Here a "comment is free" article about how the government is finally trying to do something about the current, ludicrous, situation whereby lap-dancing clubs can operate with the same license as a pub or a cafe on the argument that they are simpy "clubs" and not (cough)... not (hack, hairball, I'm trying to get the words out here)... not part of the sex industry.

The comments are pretty abhorrent. Predictably so given it's online, but perhaps slightly more suprising as it is the Grauniad, ffs. All about the freedom of choice to take a job at a lap-dancing club, the clear ability to go elsewhere if it is not to one's liking, comparisons to the Chippendales, how it's all just a bit of fun anyway, and certainly not degrading of anyone, lather, rinse, repeat. Fuel added to the fire by the fact that the stats the author quoted as showing a rise in sexual violence in Camden Town following the opening of four large lap-dancing clubs are dodgy, as well as her admittedly gratuitous reference to Jack the Ripper. But her thesis is, I think, sound.

Finally some people started calling these commentators on their [expletive deleted] and amidst the Comments of Sense comes this gem:

I know.

I am going to open up a club called "Sahib's". It's a sort of theme club for people who are nostalgiac for the days of colonial racism. The decor will be made up of various pieces of slaughtered wild animals and leopard print carpet, along with paintings of Kitchener thrashing the fuzzy wuzzies, and of missionaries bringing the true religion to the savage heathen. Ceremonial pith helmets will be worn in the garden bar. The most expensive cocktail will be called "the Raj" and will be garnished with a miniature of Queen Victoria beating a servant.

All the waiters and servants will either be black or wear blackface, and will be required as part of their contract to address the patrons as "bwana" or "sahib". For extra money, you will be able to use one of them as a footstool, and all of them will be required to answer to the n-word on pain of dismissal. They will also be required to run rather than walk in the carrying out of their duties.

Every day there will be a show in which comedians tell the sort of jokes about blacks that are no longer allowed due to the politically correct leftists and their Stalinist control of society. It's a club for those who remember the days when the white man wasn't so horribly oppressed. It'll be a haven for those who enjoy knee-slapping ethnic humour. Did you hear the one about the Indian and the Elephant?

I plan to pay pretty well, so I'm sure I'll have no shortage of black people lining up to accept a job in which they and the rest of their ethnic group are degraded to amuse others. I'm sure I'll have no problem finding a couple of employees who say they "don't mind it" and it is "just a bit of fun".

But that would be cool, right?

This is no different in principle to lap dancing clubs. The latter are just sordid places where male losers pay women to perform degrading sex acts.

I think the last paragraph is kinda overkill, because if you had two brain cells to rub together you would get the point. But the point has a standing ovation from me.


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