"Corrective" rape

Mar 21, 2009 14:54

"Corrective" rape is rape committed against a lesbian in the belief that it will "cure" her of her homosexuality. It is currently reaching epidemic-level proportions in South Africa. Rape generally is not well-addressed in South Africa, and while the rights of gays and lesbians are protected by the constitution, "corrective" rape is not classified as a hate crime.

Here and here are some articles (the latter with a video -- warning: graphic language). Here, a short opinion piece (with many comments). Here is a petition to the South African government asking them to take action to end the practice.

I added a personal message as follows:

"Any recognition of the rights of gay and lesbian people must include the categorisation as "hate crimes" of any crime which is motivated by hatred of or prejudice towards gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual and queer people. "Corrective" rape is very clearly motivated by hatred and fear of, and prejudice towards, lesbians and bisexual women. As such it is a hate crime and must be recognised and addressed as such.

Please act to end this hate crime of sexual violence."

lgbt rights, feminism, rape

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