Interessssssting Factssssssss?

Jul 23, 2014 13:14


See Snake Fact no 2   What?  In all three countries at the same time?  That is one looong snake.
Snake Fact no 3   No kidding!  Though I think you'd be more likely to have a snake skeleton.

Today is setting up to be main warmer, again.  At present it's a bit overcast, but that can soon change.  Trouble is you have to close windows at night, security and all that, so when the place gets warm during the day it stays warm overnight.  So much for all the lagging/insulation/double glazing!  I've managed to open up most things and there's a bit of a breeze.  Still too warm to move very much though.  In fact in this, the coolest place in the house, it is rapidly approaching too warm to even sit still!  With this sort of weather one can condone the occasional packet of crisps as being 'medicinal' - in warm weather you need the extra salt!

Somewhere even warmer, hot even, Goodluck Jonathan, President of Nigeria, has met with the parents of girls abducted by Boko Haram.  Good grief man!  The girls were abducted back in April, it's nearly August now!  For all Goodluck Jonathan has been on TV, last week, stating he was 'extremely distraught' about the whole situation, even with all the international promises of help, about the only thing which seems to have happened was when a group of women escaped all by themselves a few weeks back.

I realise that the girls were abducted in a very remote area of Nigeria.  I realise it is difficult to find anything there.  I realise it is HOT there, but . . .   All this inactivity then appearing on TV smacks of political posturing rather than actually doing anything.  After all, they're just girls.  It's not as if Boko Haram have captured anyone important, is it?  *Snark*

Meanwhile, Nigeria being part of the Commonwealth, they'll be competing in the Commonwealth Games, which starts today.  I'll leave it to you to research the whole thing.  Suffice it to say that the Commonwealth covers 71 countries and territories and one third of the world's population.  It is a, somewhat loose, association of what used to be the countries of the British Empire.  The games started back in 1930 as the Empire Games - for all various nationalists in various nations back then were getting ansty and starting to argue, if not actually fight, for independence.

The amazing thing is that, despite all the British did to various independence seeking people, and some of it was truly horrendous, the new nations have willingly joined the Commonwealth.  Just for a laugh you could do this test, Dear Reader, and discover which sport you are made for.  Turns out I might be good at Lawn bowls (though not with my hand-eye coordination), shooting (ditto, plus I don't do guns) and middle distance swimming.  Hmmm, well, I do quite enjoy doing a few (twenty or more) lengths of a pool.  Mind you, I'm not that good at it.  My breast stroke has a terrific screw kick, I prefer to swim back crawl as I can get on with swimming without having to worry about how to breath at the same time.  Only trouble is the uncomfortable tendency to swim into the ends of the pool!

Mentioning Lawn Bowls - over here (UK) it is generally the preserve of the middle-aged to elderly, competitors wearing white clothes and sensible shoes.  In Australia it's becoming very popular with the younger crowd.  They wear colourful clothing and bare feet.  They're also keeping a lot of Australian Bowling clubs alive!

There now, with at least 649 Palestinians and 31 Israelis killed in the past fifteen days of fighting, the UN is beginning to talk about things like 'War Crimes' in the same sentence as Israel.  About Time Too!  A Palestinian hospital was hit by Israeli fire the other day.  So much for 'careful targeting'.  For that matter, Israel claims that Hamas is hiding behind a human shield.  From what I've seen the Gaza strip is a fairly packed area, built up.  There don't seem to be many open areas where you could site rocket launchers without having civilians around.  Israel has a larger area to work from.  Whether anything comes from all this remains to be seen.  Perhaps it's time for the Ultra-Orthodox Jews to get up and start expounding exactly what "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" means.  Cos from where I sit it looks like it's guidelines for restraint.  Either way it looks as if the Palestinians might have the somewhat dubious right to inflict at least 618 more casualties without comeback!  Can you see the Israelis standing for that, Dear Reader?

'K. 'stoo hot here.  Off to sit with a fan.  An electric one.  Y'all have a good day now!

hot weather, treating people as people

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