Lost Sock, Commonwealth Games and Disproportionate Responses

Jul 24, 2014 11:59

Yesterday was the hottest day so far, officially.  It got to 30°C in some places - which, I realise, is small beer for the inhabitants of other places, like the Sahara desert.  The front room got up to 29°C, which was bearable with the fan, provided you didn't attempt to do anything more than sleep or knit, just! Today is forecast to be a tad cooler.  Bring.  It.  On.  I've opened the back door, the air is moving a little, hang the flies.

Readers who knit their own socks, or who have someone who knits socks especially for them, will understand this one.  Yesterday a knitter named Britt was passing through Oklahoma City airport when she spotted a single hand knit sock on the floor.  Being a knitter she understood exactly what this meant - someone had lost half a pair of exclusive-to-them socks.  Being a public spirited knitter Britt somehow convinced the airport to make an announcement.  Either some person to whom she spoke was a) a knitter, b) had hand-knit socks themselves, or c) she just wouldn't shut up and go away so they made the darn announcement just to get rid of her.

Except that they didn't.  Cos nobody turned up to claim the sock.  So she then persuaded someone to put the sock into Lost Property until such time as the sock loser might be coming through Oklahoma City airport again.

Should you know of a knitter/wearer of handknit socks who travelled via Oklahoma City airport yesterday and who has just realised that they are minus one sock - tell them, please.  Otherwise pass on the message, please.  I'd give you a link to Britt's Ravelry post but I'm not a member and so can't get in.

And remember, just cos it's too darn hot for woolly socks now, doesn't mean it won't be in the near future, or in some Other Places.

And the killing goes disproportionately on.  Last night the totals ran at about 600+ Palestinians to fewer than forty Israelis, not to mention all the collateral damage.  A petition is being gotten up to ask Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond to demand an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip, preferably with a cessation of all attacks.  Should you be interested, Dear Reader, the petition is here.  I suppose you should be in the UK if you want to sign it.  If you aren't, perhaps there is a similar petition doing the rounds of your country.  If there isn't, maybe you could start one?

I watched the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games last night.  Interesting.  71 different nations and territories - from all five inhabited continents!  Apparently the UK breaks down into seven countries and territories, being: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, and Jersey.  The other countries are, mainly, members of what used to be the British Empire - from way back when countries had empires and Britain ruled not only the waves but a third of the globe, coloured pink on maps.

Bearing in mind the disgusting way we treated many of these countries, particularly when they started asking for, then demanding, independence, I am amazed that shortly afterwards they all asked to be part of the loose union of equals which is the Commonwealth.  Some of the countries have their own heads of government, others, eg: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, have the Queen.  Either way the Queen is recognised as (figure)Head of the Commonwealth.  Bearing in mind some of the other leaders available - Goodluck Jonathan, Robert Mugabe anyone?  I can see why they still want Her Maj at the top.

In fact the Commonwealth has been seen to be working so well that other countries, from other (ex)empires, have asked to join - witness Mozambique (Portugese at one point, Civil war for too long, now rebuilding)  There was a very colourful parade of member nations.  One nation, forget which, is fielding six athletes.  Others are fielding an amazingly large team considering a) their size, b) their economic status.  Good For Them!  Events started this morning.  Mo Farah has withdrawn, too soon after a recent injury, needs to rest up a bit more.  Shame, but there we are.  If you want to watch various events the BBC is running coverage.  If you don't, other channels are available, you just have to ignore all the commercial breaks!

Oh look.  Connection Lost.  Your DSL is down.  I don't know what the heat is doing to this modem, but I don't like it!  Oh well, such is lif!

My knitting progresses slowly.  I haven't finished the first sock, quite, but have started on the second because they're for Sis, who has long feet, and I'm not sure whether I have sufficient wool in the main colour.  Hmmm, frogging here we come?

Meanwhile a very tanned milkman has knocked properly, actually flapped the letterbox in such a way that it obviously isn't the wind doing it, and has been paid.  Yes, we still get some milk delivered.  It saves having to haul it all home in the shopping trolley and we can afford it, which is nice.  It also comes in reusable bottles, rather than shop milk which comes in recyclable plastic containers which end up in bales awaiting transport to some recycling plant.

'Sno good.  'Stoo hot here.  I shall sign off, try to find a connection so I can post this, then go sit with the fan and read/puzzle/knit.

Y'all have a good day now, and remember, stay out of the sun 11am - 3pm and wear sunscreen!

treating people fairly

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