Too Hot Tuesday, Various

Jul 22, 2014 13:33

Yesterday was definitely main warm.  Early evening the Gallileo thermometer in the front room dropped its last ball, temperature over 27°C.  The thermometer in my mobile reckoned it was 28°C, which was rendered bearable by the fan going full blast.  Provided you didn't move more than to knit a bit!  Today, tomorrow and Thursday are all forecast to be main warmer.  Garsp!  Break out the fans, ice cubes, ice cream etc.  If it gets much warmer I might need the fan here too!

Meanwhile the pro-Russian Ukrainians, pro-Independence Ukrainians and Russians all keep trying to deny that they were the ones who pushed the button which brought down the Malaysian airways plane over Crimea.  What the plane was doing flying in that airspace has yet to be revealed.  All other airlines have long since taken to flying round the conflict zone.  Perhaps M A thought that at 30,000ft they'd be safe.  Hah!

Of course, it could be that the M A plane developed a fault which caused it to fall from the sky, or it even had a bomb on board.  We may find out, we may not.  All other airlines are, hopefully, learning from this disaster and are keeping even further away from airspace anywhere near the conflict zone.

Here we go again "Not Connected.  Your DSL connection is down."  The modem is trying to rectify the situation all off it's own tiny bat.  What was it they said the other day?  The average modern car has more computer power than the Apollo 11 space mission?!  Right, all lights on, Ethernet a tad doubtful, try again.

Drat!  I opened the back door in an attempt to get the air moving in here.  Unfortunately it also let a fly in.  I suppose having it buzzing around is moving the air somewhat, but that's nowhere near enough.  Darn flies!

BTW - I watched Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World last night (having read the whole series of Aubrey/Maturin books some time back).  Have you seen it, Dear Reader?  More to the point, do you know what the last piece of music Aubrey and Maturin play together is?  You know, the one where they both strum their instruments like guitars, which is quite a feat done with a cello.  Yes, I've also asked the film buff at Classic fM, whether or not I get an answer remains to be seen.

Ahhh, there now, Prince George is one year old today, and he's walking.  Happy Birthday HRH!  Bet Prince William and Princess Kate are glad they have Nanny, et al, to help keep track of him.  Imagine trying to keep up with an active toddler in a palace!  All those rooms to investigate, all those grand staircases.  At least at home here there were only the three rooms the children could have been in when downstairs.  Mind you, here the Outside is a lot nearer.  Fortunately (or by intention) we had locking front and back doors which required keys to open them (still have).  Even the most intelligent one-year-old can't work out keys, and that's assuming they can reach!

I don't suppose the young prince will be getting Lego for his birthday yet, Duplo maybe.  Apparently a container of Lego went down off the coast of Cornwall in 1997.  Bits are still washing up on the beaches, some are considered collectors' items.  Which is all good fun.  What isn't nearly so funny is that, after 17 years in a pretty corrosive environment, the pieces look as good as new.  There may be biodegradable forms of plastic, but Lego isn't made of any of them.  The Lego is likely to continue washing up on the Cornish beaches for many decades to come.  In fact they're likelier to run out of Lego from the submerged container before the Lego itself starts to degrade.

Meanwhile it litters the beaches and forms a real hazard to wildlife.  I mean, fill up on Lego, however small the bits, and you could have a permanently full gut, though things may pass through.  Here's hoping the sharp bits aren't sharp enough to pierce the intestines of any wildlife which eats it!  Come to think of it, treading on bits of Lego on a floor can be pretty painful.  What's it like treading on them on a beach?  Or would one merely tread them into the sand?  Hmmm.

Did you watch any of Wimbledon, Dear Reader?  No, of course I didn't!  Good grief!  Mind you, at least one knitter did, from centre court.  She, being a productive kind of woman, took along her knitting so that she could keep her hands busy while watching the match.  Andy Murray was playing, the knitting probably saved her nails - pity it doesn't with mine! It even got commented on.

Ah well, the Commonwealth Games start tomorrow, for a eleven days.  I reckon the opening and closing ceremonies may be worth watching.  Meanwhile I'm video-ing selected films.

And Finally - if you have children, particularly small ones, DO NOT leave them shut in your car.  Or pets for that matter.  In this weather cars can soon become little ovens and children, particularly small ones (and pets) can cook. Apparently it's all to easily done.  I realise, Dear Reader, that in this hot weather thinking is harder than ever but consider the alternatives . . .  For all they hardly bear thinking about, perhaps, if you have a car, and small children, Dear Reader (particularly Dear American Reader), thinking about it might be worth while?

Y'all have a good, and not too hot (I hope) day now!

pollution, hot weather

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