Toy Story :D

Jul 21, 2010 00:52

Toy Story 3 =================== Epic.

I only cried once, (one up on Guyfriend, he cried at the part where they were in that giant incinerator, holding hands, and , when Andy was giving away Woody with that little speech and guuhhhhhh :'( (the same point I did) ). I probably would've been worse but I was seeing it with 4 guys and no other girls -I'm not entirely sure how that happened-, so I was trying my very hardest to be macho about it all.
I was a bit dissapointed that there was no Zurg though, or at least not until the end credits, and Bo Peep?! I have never really shipped any cartoons, but if there was any Toy Story couple I had to ship above the others it would be Woody/Bo. I'm guessing it was actress/voice artist issues which stopped her appearing 'cause it didn't really affect the plot or anything... or maybe no, Idk.

Then I had another shopping splurge, so am down to single figures in the bank again. But I got a Doctor Who bag and Star Wars t-shirt, so am pleased.

I'm pretty hooked on the sims 3 atm, I bought the Ambitions expansion pack today as well, and gahhh SO MANY NEW ITEMS. Well, there aren't that many, but there are ones which weren't in ts2 (trampoline? hellz yeah!), and new stuff like that makes me happy.

I'm hopefully going to the beach in Bournemouth or something with guyfriend (amongst others, he just happens to be the one organising it with me) next week, but he was being very angsty and moody and unresponsive today and I'm generally not a great person to have around when you're already a bit on the moody side, and we were never more than a couple of metres apart for pretty much 7 straight hours...

Also, I am a killer bitchy organiser, I go crazy with a calendar and facebook events. So I'm sure no-one envies his co-organiser job anyway.

I'm off to trawl the internet for cheap trains. And bite cream. I was sat downstairs with family and this Midge (are they called midges? I've realised I have a lot of names for things which aren't actually their recognised names) was attacking me for almost half an hour, I've got 6 new bites, on top of two huge ones I have from lying in the garden yesterday. Needless to say the rest of the family have none.

(WOW, since when did beginning to type in a tag bring up a list of all the tags beginning with those letters?? that is seriously useful for my ridiculous need to categorise, life=complete)
(and now I will find out it's always been like that)

nostalgia will be the death of me, moviefilms, social events aka i do have a life, freunds

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