Star Wars and a couple of other sentences

Jul 19, 2010 01:46

I'm a bit rubbish at updating stuff at the moment. Except twitter, which I am going a tad crazy on.

On friday myself and a few friends had a Star Wars marathon. It turns out I know a LOT of useless facts about Star Wars, at least 2 of my friends told my Mum (separately) that they were actually scared by my knowledge of it. But you know... I just happen to adore it. We didn't pay much attention to the films to be honest, except to make sexual remarks (Usually about Darth Vader, ngl), but that's the norm now. And when Han or Leia (or even worse, both of them) were on I'd get slightly worked up and shout at everyone to be quiet and watch the film. I almost had a fit when we were watching the Empire Strikes Back and we were coming up to the scene where Leia kisses Han on the cheek.

We did all dress up though, and there is a picture of Myself as Yoda (I was going to be Darth Vader but then Claire had a better cloak than me so we decided she would be him. Also, I lost my Vader mask), Guyfriend as an Ewok (the cutest and at the same time, most terrifying thing I have ever seen), another friend as Leia, and the afforementioned Claire as Darth Vader. There was also a C3-PO, Chewbacca, Stormtrooper and another Ewok, but they'd all left by then. (We played Guitar hero for about 3 consecutive hours after the films finished).
Unfortunately this photo was taken on the phone of a friend who has now gone to France on holiday... soooooo, I can't get it for a while. But I shall. At some point.
And we played a VERY entertaining game, in which if your character came on screen you had to get up and dance. Leia and Darth vader were shattered by the end of the first film, but to their credit they continued throughout all the films, with a bit of abuse helping them along.

In other news; I got a drumkit off ebay today. £68, not bad, as long as it's in as good condition as the seller said it was. And even if it isn't, it's still pretty good value.

And... also, I visited my cousins on the English side of the family yesterday. And fell asleep on their sofa. Then in the car. Then again on the sofa again today. And I'm still shattered (I did stay up until 2am talking to my parents last night though, that probably didn't help). Oh well, I get to lie in tomorrow.

Fourthly, I am seeing Toy Story 3 on Tuesday, that should be good. I'm very excited. I don't think I've ever waited over a decade for a film before.

......... that is all I can think of for now. Ciao, lots of love, Shalom, etc.

moviefilms, famage- family for the less common among, social events aka i do have a life, star wars things, nerdness ensues, music

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