Apr 13, 2015 17:39
So after the claim I filed yesterday, I will only have $400 left on my unemployment claim. I am hoping there will be an extension. [sigh]
I am procrastinating on working on my paper. The data collection bit is due tomorrow. Knowing me, it will probably take longer than I expect. Tomorrow is also the last day of Albertson's 2 liter Coke for $.88/each if you buy 6 coupon. I really ought to go over there, as I am almost out of caffeine.
Am also procrastinating on applying for desperation jobs, which are mostly in the File Clerk For Car Dealership/Dentist/Small Local Company You've Never Heard Of range. I.e. not enough pay but better than my unemployment running out. FML
BUT! I have been rereading ACD Holmes as my attention span permits. As my viewing of Granada Holmes on YouTube has been unsystematic in the extreme, due to availability mostly, it's an extra delight when I run across a story I haven't already seen. And it's all been recent enough I can see what they changed and make a judgement about it. (adding the hobo subplot into The Norwood Builder? Good call) I'd almost forgotten how much I love canon Holmes. I mean, I love RDJ and JLM, but the character ACD actually wrote is an absolute fucking delight. I want to be his friend and pet him.
And I love Jeremy Brett. For some reason I didn't catch him when it was on PBS (did Phoenix PBS show it?), so my ur-Holmes has always been Basil Rathbone. GodsDAMN is Jeremy Brett amazing. The later series where it's so obvious how ill he was are heartbreaking, but I can see how this part almost ate him alive. He inhabits it so completely. It's so close to what ACD wrote. He laughs. He's nice to people. There's always that little twitch at the corner of his mouth that says Holmes is having a fucking ball when he's working.
I have even managed not to entirely hate Edward Hardwicke. His Watson is competent. He learns! (that little smirk of [glee!!] Brett does whenever Watson makes a good deduction chain, right or wrong? marvelous) He makes it clear Watson's job is not to be Sherlock Holmes lite but to be Holmes' company and moral support. Which is actually clearer in canon than most adaptations make it. He also serves as the social grease of the pair, since Brett was trying so hard to be Holmes rather than himself he was always a bit too abrupt.
job hunt,
sherlock holmes,