Apr 20, 2015 16:48
Got woken up by the phone ringing. Did a job interview for a one month temp position (that I applied for on Friday) mostly asleep and without glasses. They wanted me to take an "Intermediate Excel skills" test on the interwebs. I consider myself a low-intermediate Excel user, and I make liberal use of both Office Help and poking around randomly until approximately what I want happens. This does not help me on a computer-mediated Excel Power User test. I got a 60%. 20th percentile. Pity, it would have paid a lot.
I am out of money in my unemployment (even though the claim is good through October). Filed my last claim this morning. It was only for one week instead of the usual two, which is how I know I'm out. Utterly terrifying.
Also applied for a job at Santa Monica College. The exam is Saturday, but I haven't heard yet if I'm "invited" to take it.
Mom's planning to come visit next month. I need to look up my blockout dates.
job hunt,