Relationship Chart

Aug 03, 2010 14:56

He surprisingly has some~


This Russia found him when he first came back to HQ and quickly clothed him, fed and and gave him accomodation. He's not entirely sure of him, the overwhelming kindness the other exudes doing little to aid Brags' paranoia, but he's done nothing yet, and Brags remembers him from when he was meatysoviet  as being very much the same, if not a little more timid, so he's comfortable enough.

That and he has the biggest room he's seen in HQ, that's worth some snooping exploring through... Especially since this Russia once had control of CCTV all around the HQ.


The Nordic was another to meet Brags when he first came back to the HQ, being oddly hospitable to the half naked Russian, putting a cover over him and giving him some rather calming (normal) conversation. He fell asleep, the other leaving before he woke. While he was thankful he still knew little of the other's intentions, not to mention the fact Russia has never really seen eye to eye with the Nordics, not for  along time. However, he knows the other did him a favour, so he knows he can manage to at least be civil.

However, he still trusts the Norwegian little, and is waiting for him to screw up or finally show his hand for what it really is, if it's anything at all.


He's only met this England when the other was as high as a kite (the Russian following the other's lead shortly afterwards~) but what he's seen of him he likes an awful lot. He knows very little about the man personally, but he seems to have plenty of opium on his person, which is more than enough to earn him some points on Brags' popularity scale.

He'd like to meet up again though when both of them are slightly more sober though, it could be quite enjoyable and, if it wasn't well... There was always opium~


He met this Spain when wandering around, coming down from the high he incurred when meeting opiumbound , the Russian sitting and drinking with Antonio as he tried to forget about his husband and their failed marriage, his husband leaving the HQ and leaving Spain behind. It ended up in the Spaniard's bedroom, though it went no further than kissing and cuddles. They met again the day after, the Russian happy to find the other wasn't insulted or now jumping on him for more than just friendship.

He's slowly trying to make friends, but is a little worried what will come of it, especially when Antonio finds out about his less than healthy habits- He'll hide it as much as he can, but  he's got a feeling it will only be a matter of time before the other notices.


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