Communism a dead dog? Not quite...

Jul 28, 2010 22:40

This journal is the result of a 'what if' Alternate Universe version of Ivan Braginsky, and the future self of meatysoviet, having found himself in 2010 due to some strange magic beyond his comprehension with no way back on his own say so. Upon finding out this fact he makees the most of the time by gorging himself with more knowledge than he would ever get hold of in his own time period; sciences, politics, 'Historical events' and one important piece of knowledge- space travel.

This knowledge helps Russia keep one step ahead of the rest of the world, however, it also brings new challenges that he could not predict- one of which is the discovery of a wormhole in close proximity to the Earth's solar system found via space probe and, through that, a new planet. A planet with intelligent life.

This planet was known as Gaia, and was home to very human-like creatures, almost scarily so.

The two planets, on finding out about each other, planned domination- Earth with it's vast armies combined, and Gaia with it's Shin-Ra army, which housed a supposedly elite squad of warriors. Earth knew little of these fighters other than they were known as SOLDIER.

Due to this change of events Braginsky used the information he had in a bid to aid Earth in their domination, though his suprising (and overly suspicious) intel started to spin the rumor mill, not only making the other countries prick thier ears and take notice, but also Shin-Ra's as well. It didn't take long for Shin-Ra intelligence and Turks unit to find out even more information, finding out during one interrogation that, not only did this man have knowledge of technology unheard of on Earth (and presently being built in Gaia) but he was, in human form, an entire country. In fact, he was the biggest country on earth.

With this knowlege Shin-Ra sent out it's strongest, a General of SOLDIER by the name of Sephiroth, to apprehend the soviet. This was a success, the Russian brought back and interrogated by the General himself. Regardless of this, and due to the importance of the matter, the soviet refused which the general seemed to take something akin to pleasure in. He spent countless hours trying to break the other and, knowing that, in essence he was immortal, using time and humiliation to his advantage, as there was little point in trying to get the other man to confess through conventional, pain based procedures. At best injury was used to tire the large man out, making questions easier to ask. Even then though, they were always refused.

During a mission the General was undertaking, a scientist by the name of Hojo became aware of the soviet's existance, taking advantage of Sephiroth's absence to test and experiment with the Russian's capabilities, the experiments little more than extreme forms of guinea-pig surgeries and cellular biological experimentation, the testing coming to a head when a labotomy attempt was ruined by the General's unannounced arrival back into the facility.

Gradually the soviet broke down, stripped of his pride and of anything other than the silver haired SOLDIER, telling the General fragments of what he could piece together after his botched brain surgery. By this point he felt more than betrayed by his countrymen, and even more so by the other countries, some of which had known of his location but had seemingly done little to help. He found himself fully defecting to Midgar on the 5th of March 1949, the Russian proving his loyalty to ShinRa by assassinating his old leader, Josef Stalin. It was on that day the World called for full interplanetary war.

During this battle (which due to the lack of technology on Earth's side was mostly fought on Earth rather than Gaia) General Sephiroth defected to his own cause, killing most if not anyone that stood in his way. Ivan followed suit, becoming Sephiroth's shadow and the first of the Reunion members, even though he was not infected with Jenova, which was most likely the only thing that stopped him from dying a marytr like the rest of group. His jobs forthe General were mostly his watching of the Centra Aerith and her friends as they tried to stop the General from fufilling his goal; the destruction, and rebirth, of the Gaia and, in time, the World.

His master's plans were in vain however, when he was vanquished only hours before his plan would come to fufillment. Ivan was found nearby and sent back to Earth, only just missing penalty of death through the fact the the countries of Earth wanted him tried in their courts for an amass of war crimes that had been committed on his behalf.

During his absence, the Soviet period in and of itself had ended a few years early, the satellite states now independant and trying to squeeze as much from the Russian government as possible, using both the EU and NATO as shields and lances in a bid to gain as much as they could. Because of the poor economy and the almost limitless debt that the country now found itself in, the President agreed to sell parts of the country to the highest bidders, the Russian becoming a group of Eastern European territories rather than a country, though through legislations on the part of Belarus his name and country name were still legally binding.

The Russian could do little for his country; he was branded a traitor and incarcerated under house arrest, doing little to instill any kind of moral to the rest of the community. The people, while still proud of their country, found life hard now that communism had fallen, the Russian realising this and placing blame on himself for the fact that no country was really willing to aid the territories in their time of need, not even the ones who owned them. He had failed his people, and due to him aiding others they were suffering.

It is now 1998 and it was at this point he finds himself once again with any sembelence of power, however miniscule it is.

This AU history was partly derived from a 'what if' stemmed from a roleplay with a good friend of mine. This version of Russia, due to stress and other things, is an alcoholic, bordering on dependant and partakes in more than a few illegal (and legal) ways to ease his stress- he has ties to the Bratva, which is where he gets most of his fixes, a firm favourite at the moment is heroin, while Tianeptine is becomming a (legal) favourite, though anything he can get his hand on is usually 'good enough'. His drug intake has risen due to the Ruble crisis rearing its head, though he's that's not saying much all things considered.
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