I decided to make a tutorial to go with the sample icon of my
Jewels Textures set.
Go from this:
to this:
1. I started with an image of Joey Yung from her Show Up album booklet and cropped it down to 100x100:
2. This image seems suited to fiery colors. I used two gradients by
nightfall_icons. Set the first one to SCREEN 100 and the second gradient to SCREEN 60.
3. Don't flatten the image just yet. Duplicate the base layer, bring it to the top, then set it to SOFT LIGHT 100. Now you may flatten. :p
4. Take this texture from my
Jewels Textures set and set it to LIGHTEN 100.
5. Some of the jewels are covering her face, so you'll need to erase some. Make your eraser about 5 pixels round and change the settings to HARDNESS 20, OPACITY 20. Then erase some of the parts covering her face and body. Flatten the image.
6. It's a bit washed out so I created a new layer and filled it with a light, purple color. Set that to BURN 100. Flatten the image.
7. Now all it needs is a border. I created a new layer and drew around a 3-5 pixel wide white border. Set the layer to DISSOLVE 70. You can adjust the dissolve settings, but that's around where I did it. On the bottom I took a baby text brush by
fangirls_inc. Create a new layer, make the brush color black, and set it to OVERLAY 100. Flatten your image and voila! Instant, sparkly pretty-ness. :)