On Sunday we got up relatively early and caught the bus downtown to go to Parliment Hill and wander around the grounds. It's nice that Canada will allow tourists to not only go on the grounds of the federal government center, but also go in to the building on tours all the time. We went inside and looked around a bit, but didn't pay for a tour. We saw the eternal flame and all the statues and the stray cat colony that someone takes care of. It's this fenced off "kitty condo" that someone takes care of. There are a ton of cats that live there and they are all well fed and watered and have all been spayed, neutered and innoculated. They are all very healthy looking fat and friendly cats...right on Parliment Hill. Odd, but true.
From there we decided we were hungry so we wandered around downtown to find a place to eat. Cole fell asleep in his stroller and we ate at the Leutenant's Pump which was delicious. It was really nice out, so we ate outside with all the bees. I couldn't believe all the bees! Crazy.
We also wandered around the Byward Market and Cole fell in love with the guy playing the digerydoo. We went to Lush and that's always fun. Then we hit the mall, got Jeff some roasted nuts, ate Shwarma and got on the plane to go home for what I thought was going to be an uneventful trip.
In line to check our bags, I said to Kristy "There's no way they can lose my luggage on a direct flight, right?" She says "You shouldn't have said that" Thinking I jinxed myself, I put tags on EVERYTHING and was on my way. We landed in Halifax and lo and behold...my suitcase was missing. I was in tears when I left the airport and a bit disorientated and had left through the wrong door so I was trudging through the HUGE parking lot trying to find the van. Lovely.
Still in tears I call Jeff whining that I can't do this and what am I going to do? He keeps me on the phone and keeps me company and helps me with the directions. Well I get to this part in the highway and I'm to take the 111 North highway. Well all 3 are 111 North so I chose one, and obviously...very obviously, chose the wrong one. Shortly up the road I come to a dead end. It's a construction site. Luckily (or so I thought) there was a security guard there. I ask him what to do and he says if I just go straight around the site, I'll come out on the highway. Sounds easy enough so off we go. It's pitch friggin dark and this site is huge. Realizing this is a crazy idea, I try to turn around and go back to the security guard. I can't find my way back because there are no roads to be found where I am and no light. So I keep wandering. I end up smack dab in the middle of the site near 2 buildings with some lights on. I'm hysterical and in tears...terrified out of my mind that I'm going to run over some cliff or something. So I stop and call Jeff. I decided to call the police because I'm stranded in a dangerous place with a baby in the middle of the night. On the phone I'm hysterical trying to explain to the guy where on earth I am. He takes down my cell phone number and says they'll come find me. So I'm sitting in the van bawling my eyes out, praying to God to keep us safe and let the police find us. About 20 minutes later I get a phone call and it's the officer saying they are at the site and the security guard is going to drive them to me and help us get out. THANK GOD! They find us and we get a police escort to the Comfort Inn in Dartmouth. The police officer says to me "No wonder you got lost, lady. That place was crazy!" So I suddenly don't feel like a total idiot anymore. That, and the damn road should have been marked closed or dead end or something.
When we're checking in, I'm a total wreck. The lady at the desk tells me the airport called and they found my bag shortly after I had left. She said "The guy said you sounded really upset and I can see why since you're travelling with an infant". My bag is on it's way. Thank God! We're getting all settled into the room when there's a knock on the door and there is my bag! Yay! Time for sleep.
The next morning we're checking out and happily on our way home. I had to drive by that same site on my way out of town and small wonder I got lost! In the light, the place is a flippin maze! All these drops everywhere. I could have been killed. That guard should have drove me through in the first place, or told me to turn around and make an illegal U turn. But whatever. We made it home safe and sound. Jeff says the whole trip was like something out of Planes, Trains and Automobiles with us trying frantically to get back for Thanksgiving. We made it though, and dinner was delicious!
Cole and Mommy on the plane to Toronto
Cole flooding Kristy's bathroom. At least the floor got cleaned!
Watching Peep on the laptop
Pigging out on Bacon Dippers. He ate half the box!
Here we are in a Lebanese Brioche
...eating some sweet treats
We came back with Booster Juice and Cole drank my ENTIRE cup full!
In the morning, Cole and Pickle sort of became friends. Cole even learned how to say her name!
Down for the count
Time for supper! We ate at Elgin St Diner. It's a really cool 50's style diner with the BEST poutine in the world. Yum!
Kristy and Cole
Mommy and Cole
...sharing a banana chocolate milkshake
Eating some french fries
Here we are at the best candy store! Sugar Mountain! Cole's got a cotton candy sucker
Kristy took us to this really sweet petting zoo
We saw ducks
And fed the goats. They were so excited to see Cole they were practically coming out of their pens!
The llamas weren't too impressed by Cole...
And then we played in the playground before lunch
At the Byward Market, Cole was enthralled with this guy playing the digerydoo
Here we are at Cinnabon! Yum! A pregnant girl's dream!
Then we went to the craziest burger spot I've ever been to
Eat up!
Cole and Mommy on Parliment Hill
The eternal flame. It was hard to get near this thing...there were like 5 tour buses of Japanese tourists blocking the way.
The stray cat colony
Us with Nelly McClung
Time for brunch!
...how Cole enjoyed brunch
And some Gelato! He loved the Gelato!
Here he is WEARING Kristy's Gelato
A quick phone call to Daddy while we wait for the bus
And onto the bus to go home
And here's Kristy getting us Shwarma for supper before our flight