Yes, I'm posting again

Jul 25, 2008 23:38

Ok, so I went to this hospital, but it was a small hospital.  Tiny really.  And it's very close to the school, a block and a half to be exact.  The doctor looked at me.  He spoke English but obviously preffered Korean and readily used Evan as a translator.  There was also a nurse there.  Interestingly they were much kinder than I had anticipated.  They listened to my lungs and stuck a metal tongue depressor on my tongue and made me say "ah." Then there was a slight confusion as they stuck something up my nose.  My temperature was taken and symptoms were asked about.  Then they (the doctor and nurse) had me lay on this bright pink little bed (and they made sure my head was comfortably on a pillow, also that glaring neon pink) and the doctor poked around at my stomach.  Then there was some discussion regarding my Welbutrin refill and the doctor said that when I run out he'll write me a new one.  Evan was suprised, but happy.  It was then that I realized, for sure, that she'd intended to take me to a psych hospital to find out about getting a refill.  Honestly I'm more than a little disturbed and offended by this.  It feels very much like she didn't trust me when I said that it wasn't a big deal.  You take someone to those hospitals when you're worried about their safety, or yours, due to their psychological imbalance.  But, her obvious over reaction (and she seemed very concerned about me taking these meds, which again bothers me because I'm very sensative to people percieving me as crazy, because crazy people are separated from society and not allowed to interact or have normal lives) just reaffirms what I read about most people in Korea having no idea about psych illnesses or imbalances and that they don't really know the difference between someone like me and someone who is 'crazy' and they probably have no concept of recovery either.

So, I got a prescription, very cheep, and the doctor was cheep too even though my insurance hasn't kicked in yet.  That's definately encouraging though.  Anyway, they gave me this thing to drink if I keep having the runs and a handful of pills to take at every meal for three days.  They said that if I don't get to feeling better in about a week I should come back, or if the diarrhea gets bad.  They also told me not to eat or drink anything cold.  Why?  I have no idea whatsoever.

Work was slightly effective today.  I spent a good portion of the first hour and a half talking.  Then I worked.  Then I went to lunch.  Today was Nichole's birthday, though she didn't really do anything.  I printed out the flashcards for the next two weeks, and made up one of the lesson plans for next week.  I've got a good portion of the stuff for my Level 4s already made for this week.  So my work tomorrow will be finishing the second phonics lesson plan, printing out stuff for level 1 (gotta make them a worksheet too), altering the lesson plan for Level 4, and finish making the game for this week.  It probably won't all be done tomorrow, but a good portion of it should be.  I need to do the lesson, or look at the lesson, for geography too, as that's the active zone I have this week.  I kind of want to go to down town tomorrow unless I'm feeling really bad.  Didn't work out today or yesterday, was just feeling too yuck.  But, I have worked out three days this week. :-) And hopefully I can do something tomorrow or Sunday, and then by Tuesday I hope I'm feeling just fine.

I got bulgogi soup at the place where I normally get kimbop.  It was better quality than the stuff at the other place, more meat, less fat, actually had vegetables in it, but it was 5,000 won ($5), which seemed like a lot when I normally pay a max of 4,000 won for a meal.
But, I needed something well rounded and of substance to eat with the six pills I had to take before bed (I told you it was a handful).

I talked to Lauren, who is quite tollerable to me now, as long as I don't spent too long with her or listen too closely to any advice she gives me.  Largely because her values are quite different than mine and I feel not myself if I listen too closely or spend too much time.  I think I'll try and go to Seoul with her some weekend.

Keena still annoys me deeply.  I will not travel with her.

We got our schedule for the summer camp.  Benifit of doing classes on a Saturday (friday?)?  We get paid overtime.
Overtime is always good, and very rare as we're kind of contracted rather than hourly.

Some of my older students asked me why De had a mustache and beard.  Their guess is as good as mine.  She doesn't care to get rid of them, but I couldn't really tell the kids that.  They also said Keena was very old, which entertained me.  They said Linett was pretty, and Janett was blond, and asked about Nichole's arm and Lauren's limp.  Gotta love kids.

Speaking of: I've been having these strong desires lately to have a husband and children.  Very compelling, almost like rushes of a physical need.  Why?  I dunno.  Maybe it's working with all these kids, but one would think that would be a deturant, not the opposite.  Like, I just come back from work and wish there was someone there who could see my tired smile and simply be able to acknowledge how hard I try.  Or someone to appriciate my beauty when I change clothes, or children to puke on me just so I can make them feel better.  Really irrational stuff.  Kind of painful too.  Perhaps this is why I am presently (and for the first time in over 3 years) voluntarily watching The Notebook.

It's raining a lot now.  Clear most mornings but raining by the afternoon.  Almost every day this week and the forecast for the next 3 days predicts more.  This weather doesn't bother me.  But, it does bother Nichole.  It's the humidity that bothers me.  The humidity and the altitude.

I drew a caracture of Tony during one of my classes yesterday.  The kids thought it was funny and teased him a little.  I felt kind of bad, though the picture is actually quite decent.  I also showed the class my sketch book and then they all started drawing pictures on the backs of their worksheets.  I was too proud of their creativity and artistic expression to be mad that my lesson plan was going to pot.  It's nice that I inspired them even a little.  These children need more art, and more nature, in their lives.  Came up with a game that they all loved.  Basically I split them up into two teams and timed them to see who could write words with magnets fastest.  It turns out this two team thing works pretty well. Esp when it's boys vs girls. Though sometimes that caused more trouble than anything else.

Emily got sick during class this week, and she was crying into my shirt and I didn't know why.  Evan was a God-send just then as I had Emily go with her and she came back to tell me Emily was sick.  I felt so confused and helpless not knowing why this sweet little girl was so distraught.  Also, Cathy is quickly becoming one of my favorites.  She may suck at learning English but she is lovely and sweet and eager to please.  she also gave me a stuffed animal I suspect was hers.  Uhg, I could take her home and keep her as a doll.  Finally confirmed that it is Harry and Sunny who go and stare at Nichole.  Nichole calls Harry B.Rain, which embarasses him a little, but he'll live.

Showed De where the stash of M&Ms are.  Started taking kids' chairs if they won't sit down.  I've gotten much strickter, much less interested in pleasing my students and more interested in teaching them and making them better people.  They don't always have to like me, but they do have to be better when they're done than when they started.

Opened up my heals with working out and they're finally starting to scab.  Maybe I'll be able to run again next week.  Found some Claratin from the states in an drawer full of my bandaids.  Taking those now instead of the Zyrtek. Oh, gave one my students a bandaid and he looked at it like it was poison.  I told him it was the same as the korean ones.  Kids bleed, and sweat (ug, and stink, esp when they come to icc strait from karate or taekwondo practice).  Yelled at Patrick who was extremely late yet again.  They cry and punch each other and bounce back like bouncey balls.

I've learned more korean this week.  Again, thanks to my kids and my korean book, but mostly my kids.

Tired, thirsty, achey.  My back kind of hurts.

I think I've exhausted about everything from this week that I haven't talked about.  Of course there are more details, but no one wants to read those.  So, I'll sign off.

Later people!

kids, work, excersize, co-teachers, blog, future, korea, health

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