Day 27 (28?)

Jun 21, 2008 01:51

Well, today consisted of working, but not enough.  I'm going to be hard presses sunday night and monday morning to finish my lesson plans.  But, at least I made all the flashcards I'll need.  Also, apparently another parent is dissatisfied?  Why? Some love us, some really don't like us.  Is there anyone who's neutral?  So, June had a birthday and we all went out to the park at lunch time and had korean toast sandwiches and kim bop and some korean cookies and cake.  Oh, and the ever popular juice.  Orange juice and Aloe juice (it has an intresting taste, but one I can't really discribe well: sweet, smooth, thick, pulpy...).  They put cherry tomatos on their cakes, along with fruit.  Of course they drink aloe juice and don't mind uneven stairs and give teachers pastry.
That took a while.  It' amazed me how extended their lunch can be when they all go out.  Nichole stayed in.  I guess she was a little down, but due to it some lines of communication were opened between us and some of the other girls. I just wish it hadn't had to have happened that way.  
But on a lighter note I went out with Violet and we at a sushi place (that's right, I've had sushi now).  It was ok, but I think I'd like to try a different one, one without fish eggs or spicy sauce next time.  It was also nice to walk around downtown with Violet and talk to her.  She said some realy nice things about me being positive.
And we got off work early. And I have cash now.  I've figured out how to use my atm card.  And Violet helped me get a bus ticket for tomorrow. :-)

oh, and I go to im Darla today, which was just a blessing.  i miss my friends in the states more than I miss anything else about the west.  I was really blessed when I met them.

Tomorrow (God willing) I meet Ash at the Incheon international airport and spend the weekend with her while she settles down.

Well, later people!

Oh, yeah, and monsoon season has officially started.

blog, icc, korea, work, co-teachers

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