Day 24

Jun 16, 2008 10:36

Well, today was...good. :-D  
I'm hoping this means I'm over the funk I was in the last few days.  
The kids weren't bad, which means my day was wonderful, esp. for a monday.
Oh, and did I mention that I saw a snake in the mountains yesterday?  It was little, about a foot and a half long, bright green with a red head.  It was sleeping along the side of the path.  I almost stepped on it, It was curled up like a little green matt, and it uncurled and slithered off into the underbrush.  My heart was in my throat as I didn't know if it was venomous or not, but I just said "oh, snake" and moved Nichole out of the way so it could leave without feeling intimidated.  She said she was ready to scream. *grins*  I'm glad that in difficult or frightening situations around other people (have to specify there because when I'm by myself I'm different) I can keep my head.
As class rolled around this morning I felt very unprepared.  And, in the one sense I was.  I didn't have the name tags finished, and I hadn't laminated my print out cards.  But really, I was much more prepared than I thought I was.  The class lasted the whole 40 minutes, I was able to keep the students busy, they learned they had some fun (but not too much), their homework was checked, they were rewarded, and there was rather minimal chaos for working with six and seven year olds.  Even my bad kids weren't so bad.
Same for the second class, though I'm becoming thuroughly convinced that some of the girls in my classes are total brats.  They whine and throw little tantrums when the others get prizes for being good and they don't get one.  Well, they didn't do their work, or they weren't sitting down, or they were speaking korean durring class.  They don't get good stuff for being bad.  And then they pout.
I've finally solidified that my annoying teacher's pet is in my Monday-Wednesday level 4 class.  I told him to be quite today.  I can't teach a lesson when he insites the other children to torment him.
Level 4 was actually my worste today.  There are three girls in that class who want nothing more to talk to each other, in korean.  I tell them they can say pretty much whatever they want (baring f-you, which was said today, and which I quickly put a stop to) if they're speaking in English, and still they speak in korean, and it's not like they don't know enough english to really speak in English.  
Added new teaching ideas to my repitwar (sp?).  Writing words on the board and having them draw a picture of it.  I'm trying to get them to think, if not artistically, than at least artistically.
Also, I got a package from my parents today.  Thanks Mom and Dad (and Happy Father's Day!)!  Ah, life's little neccessities: body mist, conditioner, proactive, my black pumps, shorts, shirts, skirts, big towels, alarm clock, spices, pants hangers...I'm very happy about it all.  Plus, there was the money, the vitamins, the fruit rollups and the beef jerky. :-D  Now if only I had starbursts, american pizza, goldfish crackers, and Jones soda. lol.  Oh, and lemon extract. that would be good too.

Anyway, so class went well.  I was happy.  I talked to Evan (head teacher) who said she thought we should go out for dinner some time.  I said sure.  I'm trying not to worry that I'm in trouble or something.  I hope she just wants to know me more.

Nichole and I ate at an American style restraunt yesterday, and had stomach aches last night.  Funny.  I think so at least.

The weather was great today, beautiful, but I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow and the day after.  I hope I can still get some climbing in.

Violet went on a date. *grins* so cute.

Making an effort to talk less.  Korean lessons start tomorrow morning. :-D

Ok, sleepy now.  later!

korea, family, work, co-teachers, lists

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