Day 30

Jun 22, 2008 09:20

So, I figure today must be day 30 since I got here on a friday night and today is sunday morning.  I am at a hostel (excuse me guesthouse) with Ashley.  Lots of people from lots of different countries.  It's a lot cooler and a lot less dangerous than I thought it would be.  Eight or nine of us went out to eat together.  We went to some nearby place that cooks the food over a grill on your table and you just pick it off and wrap it in lettus.  Eventually I got tired of using chopsticks and just used a spoon.  What else?   Everyone wanted to know why we were in sk.  I think there is one other teacher here, there's a traveling writer, some people who are just traveling, I don't remember the rest.

I don't know how many times I woke up last night, my limbs kept going numb.  I need coffee.

Ashley got sleep and I'm happy about that.  Shew as so tired from her flight yesterday.  
I did all the talking.  I'm determined to let her do the talking today.

lol, also, I think I look skinnier in the mirrors here.

We got icecream, and everywhere here is like downtown in Daejeon (I'm in Seoul right now)
I think I'll come back to this hostel if I decide to stay in Seoul again.

*sigh* I have to pee.
Anyway, can't think of anything else to say. Added another couple of sentenses to the fanfic last night.  Need to figure out the buffy ep, where she can hear people's thoughts.  That's while Angel is around, right?  I think so.  I'm pretty sure, because she hears Oz' thoughts and he left at the beginning of season four (which was a tragedy if I ever saw one).  Whedon always got rid of his best characters. Oz, Tara, Spike...

Yeah, so I'm going to go.  Big day ahead.  lots of touristy stuff and then the ktx. :-D

blog, korea, seoul, friends

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