My thoughts on True Blood Season 4

Aug 23, 2011 14:54

Right, so am I the only one who thinks that things going on with Sam and the other shape shifter are so sweet? I really like the whole character developement there. 
I'm also loveing Alcide Herveaux, though I can see that things are probably going to go south for him. 
I really do not like amnesiac Eric. I liked him for maybe the first two episodes, but he seems to show a considerable lack of self-control. I also think he's annoying now. Really annoying.
I also like what they're doing with Jason. He's much more relatable now that he's (more) mature. The stuff with Jessica and Hoyte is good too. I am confused about the purpose of the werepanthers though, since he didn't appear to turn.
I don't see the purpose of Tara taking a lover if they weren't going to continue that in the story. Just wanted to get their gay-sex quotent in there? I mean, really. Don't do something if you're not going to do something with it. :-p 
I still don't like Bill very much but I sure like him more as King Bill than I did as Sookie's Bill. 
And...what's going on with Lafeyette? and is Jesus a good guy, a bad guy, an accidental bad guy, or a patsy?


sookie, tara, true blood, jason, sam, season 4, bill, eric, alcide

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