Sep 01, 2014 19:53
A woman posted that she desperately needed a home for her cat for 3 months, so I offered to take it. So I will have a cat as of tomorrow.
It occurred to me that I seldom think to post about the "daily life in Kabul" stuff anymore because I forget that it's of interest to people. To me, it's just normal mundane life. But anyhow, a bit about getting the cat here...
All of us expats here have drivers. Considering how locals drive, this is just as well. But anyhow, she wasn't sure when she could get the car, but she'll call and let me know when she's on her way.
In order for her to get in, I had to call and let our head of security know. It can be last minute, but he likes to know in advance. The conversation went....
(After greetings and pleasantries)
Me: I have someone bringing a cat tomorrow, so she needs to come on campus. [[I live on campus.]]
Colin: Ok, is she driving or taking a taxi.
Me: Driving. Can she please come in Charlie Gate because she's bringing a cat and I don't want to try to carry it from Bravo Gate even in a box.
Colin: I'd rather she went through Bravo Gate for security.
Me: I know, but can you make an exception because of the cat?
Colin: Do you have license plate number and the name of the driver? And any guns in the car?
Me: Not armed, I don't think. I'll get you the car info tomorrow.
Colin: Ok, go ahead and send her to Charlie Gate this time.
And that's life in Kabul. (And to be clear, Colin is a really nice guy, and not at all unreasonable. He wasn't arguing in the above.... that's just standard procedure around here.)