Would you go to Africa?

Sep 22, 2014 18:19

Elections results are out.  I think everyone is glad that civil war is averted, but I have yet to talk to anyone who thinks power sharing is a good form of government, or who is optimistic about the future of the country.

The inauguration is supposed to be next Monday.  People are speculating about how much of next week will be a holiday.  Monday almost definitely will be, but it's not unreasonable that they'll have to basically shut down the city for at least the days before, and maybe after because of security.

The first week in October is Eid, so I'm going to be traveling already.  Right now, Georgia is looking like the forerunner.  But if we get a longer vacation, I'd love to go to Africa.  If not then, I really really want to go to Africa in Dec/Jan.  But there's also this ebola thing that has me nervous.

I'm not even picky about where in Africa.  Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, Ethiopia again...

What do you guys think?  Would you go?
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