I hate my cell phone.

Nov 02, 2005 23:31

So Mark called me into the bedroom/computer room tonight with a wierd voice. He asked me if he could "see me a minute". He showed me our $300 phone bill (our bill is usually $80ish). We scrolled through our online bill and saw TONS of data transfers coming from my phone number (we have a family plan) at all hours of the day and night, almost every day between the beginning of september and the beginning of october. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? So we called our phone company (Cingular) and asked what the hell was going on. After being asked repeatedly, "Are you SURE no one else had your phone and used the internet on your phone? Are you SURE that your husband didn't use your phone? Are you SURE no one else might have used your phone while you were asleep on a saturday morning at 7 am when no one else besides your cat would have been awake?" (ok, forget that last one), there wasn't a damn thing they could/were willing to do. Oh, after talking the the supervisor we were given two options(I consider these options akin to the "options" I give my misbehaving fifth graders): either they can credit us for half of the $293 in data transfers, or they can submit a claim about the "mistake" (I've never heard anyone actually make the quotes apparent when speaking them before), with the data transfers, but if the investigation turns up that they were "valid" (again, the damn quotes!!) charges (meaning they came from my cell phone number), we would get jack shit. So we had to opt for the credit because they appear to be coming from my number, but I can't prove beyond yelling and screaming and pulling out my hair that I didn't actually make those charges. I admit a few accidental hits on the stupid internet button (which is situated in the middle of my phone, so it's easy to hit), but never more than 1 KB worth (they charge $0.10 per KB). And these "mistakes" were happening every few minutes of every day!!! What the hell!!!!!

So the moral of the story is: cell phones suck. Especially when you don't have a land line for a home phone number.
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