And so it goes....

Oct 30, 2005 18:23

Nothing terribly new to report. I've finished my first full week as the TA for my fifth grade teachers. We're having a little bit of a battle with the admin office regarding substitute teachers. Both of my teachers think they should be allowed to have me sub for them when they're absent, since I'm already familiar with their routines and I'm certified to teach in the first place. The admin office says that if I were to sub, it would give the appearance that having me as a TA isn't as necessary and they could then pull me from the position. I'm not in agreement at all with that, but I'm willing to go along with it so as not to cause too many ripples in the big pond. HOwever, the teachers think they may be able to get me to sub for them if I call for a substitute for myself on the day/s that they would be absent. They figure that this will show that the TA is necessary, but they would rather have someone more familiar with their classroom/s cover for them while they're out. I'm concerned that this may cause more trouble than it's worth. I guess we'll see. Otherwise it's been good. The kids are all used to having me float between the classrooms so it doesn't cause any disruption when I show up or when I disappear. Both teachers seem very relieved to have me around, so I feel appreciated. And I got my first paycheck on friday from working as a TA. It was nice to have that first check.

Mark and I went to his friend Jonathan's birthday/graduation/Halloween party on friday at his apartment complex's clubhouse. His girlfriend is the manager of the complex so she was able to give us full run of the clubhouse. It's a nice complex, I must say. It's out in Glendale Heights, which wasn't as far of a drive as I thought it might be. And they allow small dogs. So we're thinking that, if we're not able to afford a home when our lease is up, this might be a good alternative. We really miss having a dog around, and we'd like to be in a place where we can have one of our own again.

Tomorrow I'm dressing as a cowgirl for Halloween. I couldn't think of anything else as a costume, and I didn't want to get really dressed up because we have meetings in the afternoon after the kids leave so I didn't want to look dorky for the meetings. I realized with a shock last week that my ex-boyfriend Will now works as a TA at one of the other schools. I doubt he recognized me, as fat as I am. But that was wierd.

I'm thinking about throwing a party sometime in the middle of NOvember or so. But I'm not sure since I can never get anyone to respond when I post on here. So if you're interested, let me know. If not, well, that's just mean.
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