May 03, 2009 08:55

FINALLY it is starting to warm up here in Chicago. It has been super chilly all the way through April, and now that it's May we are getting some sun and the flowers are starting to peek out. It's pretty amazing what it has done for everyone's moods! Now there are people out and about walking in our neighborhood all the time, and the city seems so much more alive than when we were all hunkered down under our blankets.

Blake was really not digging the winter, but I didn't mind it too much. With enough layers and a great winter coat (Thanks, Kathie!) I was able to tough it out until Spring. Now it's time for spring cleaning! We've slowly been getting furniture, but we still need to get bedroom furniture like dressers and nightstands and stuff. For the most part our clothes are still folded in piles around our room and in plastic bins, and I want to get a chest or something to pack away all our sweaters.

So that's about it, I am finally able to open up the windows and finish setting up our place. It was hard to think about getting new furniture when there was snow on the ground and it was below freezing. I am looking forward to getting the last of the cardboard boxes out of here, and feeling really settled in. We are planning on being at this place for at least two years, so we won't be as nomadic anymore.


home, weather, cleaning, chicago

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