Nov 15, 2008 02:48
I went to Charlie's last night for some drinking and socializing with Clint and Nick.
We had our drinks, and I told them we were going for a walk. Charlie challenged me to a race to the next stop sign. If I were sober, I probably would've declined because I am generally so self-conscious.
Charlie got a big head start, but I was on his heels before long (I am a sprinter- my ancestors come from Africa, maybe even Kenya - though we will never know). But, alas, I was wearing strappy girly sandal-like shoes and suddenly I felt my shoe, despite the fact that it was buckled around my ankle, coming loose. I was in the air for a second or two, hit the ground and scraped along the sidewalk. The next thing I know Charlie was helping me up and asking very concernedly if I was alright.
"Where is my shoe?"
"Brenda, look at your foot; it's bleeding." It was bleedy alright, but it was the least of my hurt, that wasn't even the side of me that scraped against the sidewalk, and my shoe was nowhere in sight. It dematerialized. Just because blood easily draws attention, my side was in a lot of pain, and my toes were freezing. I got back to Charlie's, went to look at myself in the mirror, my shirt and underwear and skin were torn up.
I still hurt right now the next day. Bruises and "carpet"/sidewalk burn.
But I had a pretty epic dream last night.
I'm positive that it arose from the conversation that Teresa and I were having about shooting wolves from helicopters.
"The wolf population is getting out of hand in Alaska; by that they mean they're still alive."
When I go to the Wildlife Prairie Park, it makes me a little sad. All those animals used to live in the wild here. We have driven to near complete extinction in this state. I mean, what's a walk in the cemetery, without the potential danger of being mauled to death by a cougar. People just can't let themselves coexist with anything anymore. My grandpa, when he was alive, lived in a small apartment above a dress store in a small town in New Hampshire in the heavily wooded mountains. I saw moose and foxes and a bear and beavers. He would talk about how sometimes the bears would knock down his bird feeders. Bears. Not squirrels or raccoons, but bears.
It was so strange to me that they were still allowed to exist. I mean can't they hurt someone.
That was one of the most peaceful, beautiful places on earth to me.
Well this dream, it was one of those dreams that I wasn't in. The kind of dream that you watch like a movie.
It was another one of those dreams I sometimes have where people as a species are being sought out and killed.
I won't tell it all for Livejournal, but I think I need to type it out someday soon. I took notes upon waking, before I turned on the lights, before I barely opened my eyes.
My dreams are pretty crazy sometimes.
Charlie and I were filming some b-roll for his film for class today. We were driving in the rural areas to get some footage of nature, and I saw some deer and told him to slow down. They were just standing there staring at me. It was perfect.
Another one of my cousins is going to jail.