Thoughts about Snape - october challenge

Sep 29, 2007 11:17

Author: brenda79
Title: 'Snape rocks' (Thoughts about Severus Snape and other characters associated to him after DH)
Warnings: PG(?), Not completely formal. I tried to be organized in my thoughts.
Word Count: ~1240 (Not terribly long)
Notes: Hopefully this essay is good and makes since. If that's not the case then I'm proud of my self for meeting my goal to start writing again. :) Oh and please don't get too anger about my opinions, everyone's aloud to disagree.

* I wrote this for
snapedom's October Challenge: link

'Snape rocks' (Thoughts about Severus Snape and other characters associated to him after DH)

"What do you think of Severus Snape?" It's a sensible question to ask, but it comes with a difficult thought process. I know it'll be hard for me to put all my thoughts in only a few words so I don't bore you, but I'll try. I might not stay on topic, but there will be one underlining fact that is most important. I love Severus Snape despite and because of Deathly Hallows.

How I became a Harry Potter fan, I only remember vaguely. How I became a Snape fan, I have no idea. All I remember is that I suddenly wanted to know more about this captivating man. He was tall, dark and handsome in my head. He even had the added bonuses of mystery, sarcasm, a distinctive nose, and a very unpleasant demeanor. Apparently, he isn't tall, way darker then I had though, and was extremely 'ugly'. Those thoughts are from the author, and though in canon they are true, I don't agree. I only like believe in canon when I want to.

Severus Snape. The name makes me tremble in delight. He is my most favorite character in the whole series. The books are about Harry's life, but I think Snape really deserves the spotlight. Unfortunately out dear author, J.K. Rowling (rhymes with bowling) doesn't seem to share my same view. I think she made her views very clearly in the form of interviews and sub-text. I can understand how one can dislike a character, but hate them and not understand their potential? That is a unforgivable crime. How could she build up such a character and then tear them down like a stack of cards? Unthinkable. Maybe I put to much thought into a character that I wasn't suppose to. I was warned about the him, I just didn't care. Maybe he wasn't very important after all. Am I disappointed? Yes. Do I understand? I understand enough. Do I still feel the same way about him as before Deathly Hallows? Not really.

Deathly Hallows canon changed everything. I promised myself before reading the first page, that I would still like Snape no matter what. I believed he was worth it. I thought that if anything went wrong, J.K. would kindly explain herself, and everything would be fine. I learned yet again to be careful what I wish for.
How is it that someone could have such a horrible life, love, even if it's obsessive love, and still not get anything. Death by freakin' snake bite?! A kid relieving my name as his middle one? Sems like a cruddy parting gift to me. And my whole motivation for the hard times I've been through is to look cool for a friend who loved another. Everything is now all wrapped up in a pretty little blow. Maybe I just can't understand because of the way I live. My experiences are in no way similar to his, but I'm still upset.

Snape in Deathly Hallows demolished the character I had thought up. I thought Snape's motivation and character was more complex.
For awhile after finishing the book, I didn't know what to do with myself. I finally came to the conclusion that canon has no place in my life anymore. I've matured enough to accept the book, and certain facts, but that's only for my own personal gain. Canon doesn't matter. It's still there, but I'll just have to work around it. :)

I don't know what to think about Snape being dead. I've heard about the theories, read the fanfic, and seen the art. I don't have my own theory, but I do think that the others are good. Like I've said before, it's canon but I don't want to believe it.

I've been giving Snape so much praise, and I'm sure he ends up sounding like a nice guy. If he does appear as having no faults, I apologize. Snape is a horrible person in addition to all his honorable traits. He doesn't even change through the books, he's still very unpleasant. He's sarcastic, glum, and sometimes even unnecessarily cruel, but that's what makes him such an interesting person. His faults, and control over them are what keep me coming back. I like the mean part of Snape because I have one myself. I'm able to express and control my anger more now, and I say thanks to Snape for helping me out. Yes he could have been nicer, tried to fit in more but why? If he wants to act to way he does, let him, that's just the way he is.

In my selection of what I deemed as important facts, there was one that hurt too much. I was surprised about Dumbledore's past, but astonished to read how Dumbledore treated Snape. I had thought the old wizard was the ultimate good. I got the impression that he was the light, and Voldemort the darkness. Apparently the former Headmaster was also a shade of grey. It makes me wonder if I might have missed some big clue about Voldemort. The point is that I thought Dumbledore played a big part in Snape's live. From "The Prince's Tale" I got the impression that Dumbledore didn't care about Snape at all, or anyone else for that matter. Yes he's a good guy, he fought evil, and he stands up for the weaker, but did he really care? I'm thinking that Snape was even more alone then I thought before. I wonder if Dumbledore really bothered Snape about coming to the Christmas parties ever year. Did he give him the tinkle in his eye to tell Snape he knew everything that was going on? Did he say weird things to bother Snape, or offer him candy? These are all little things that I've read in fanfiction, so I believed that Snape and Dumbledore must have had a special relationship. I can't think of Snape as 'Dumbledore's Man' anymore.

Snape was actually Voldemort's right hand man? Seriously? Wow. Well you got me there J.K., I wasn't expecting that at all, but I was still excited to read it. The first chapter opens so many possiblities, and that means more stores about Snape the Death Eater, that I can read. :)

I mentioned Dumbledore and I mentioned Voldemort. There are other important characters I could talk about such as Snape's mother, The Malfoys, Hermione, and even Remus, but I won't be including them. Instead, this part will be about the Potters. I'll start with the dad, James Potter. Snape hated him, enough said. Lily Evans/Potter, childhood friend, and love of Snape's life. Seems pretty one sided in my opinion. I've always avoided the Snily ship because I didn't like it, and believe it was a poor excuse for motivation. I still do. Regarding the Snily ship all I can say is "How boring". Love is powerful, but ... jeez. Then there's the son, Mr. Harry Potter. I'm still deciding if Snape hated him just as much as he did his father, felt sorry for the young man because of his situation, or cared because he was Lily's son. At least I know from the cheesy epilogue that Harry learned something in the end.

Well that's the end of my essay. Hopefully I wasn't too much of a hypocrite, and stayed on topic. My views will change later, but my dedication won't. I still have many question left unanswered, but fanon can always help with that.

EDIT: Nov. 7, 2007:  The October Challenge Banner were made, I love mine!

challenge, thoughts, writing rant, snape, snapedom

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