[Log] To Hell with Weyrlinghood

Nov 22, 2005 18:00

Who: Amilin, C'len, Divya, Eliona, Josilina, L'ian, L'sen, Rilsa, S'din, Shalyn, Sria
When: Unknown
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr; Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr; Sky, High Reaches Weyr
What: High Reaches' weyrlings finally graduate.

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
     The impressive living cavern is seemingly as large as the bowl that cradles the hatching sands. Rivers of polished wood tables and benches arrow towards a raised platform crowned with a compact version of their sturdy design. Neatly crafted pegs, some fancifully carved, are tapped into holes in the wall and support clothing dangling like lazy sleepers. Woven baskets, both useful and decorative, hang along another wall. Piles of summer fruit give off a shimmer of color and a waft of sweet aromas from their cradling bowls. Hanging sheaves of herbs and spices rustle in the breeze, adding their fragrance as well. Banners worked with the designs of Holds and Halls beholden to the weyr cascade down the walls high above, interspersed with several brilliantly colored tapestries. The clink of cutlery harmonizes with the flowing river of talk and gossip as the weyrfolk gather for a hearty evening meal.

Large Ale Cask
Tray of Bubblies
Firelizard Perch

Obvious exits:
Kitchen Bowl Lower Caverns

Eliona follows in not too long after some others arrive. She has made herself more presentable for the ceremony, now sporting two braids instead of one. She has ribbons intertwined into the braids and has them curled into buns just above her ears.

Divya is part of the flow of humanity streaming into the living cavern. She has to walk carefully thanks to her dress, but manages to find her way to a seat.

S'din strides in from the bowl and sweeps the crowd with his eyes, making note of the positions of each and every Weyrling, not to mention their deportment. He, however, slides over beside Rilsa near a wall and seems to be waiting.

Amilin's already there, and set up with a glass of white wine, by the looks of things. Course, she's also doing her best to be out of sight in the crowd among those present, rather than up front and center. Trying, at anyrate.

Rilsa finds a seat where the admin folks sit, tucks her skirt around her and watching the activities. She wiggles her fingers at Ami who is trying to hide but refrains from loudly yoohooing in her direction. S'din gets a wink and a grin.

L'sen plods into the living cavern with a bright grin, tugging at his shirt and calling greetings to several people, other weyrlings and weyrfolk he knows. He's in a great mood, not that that's at all odd.

C'len emerges from the bowl and snaps a quick salute before he moves over to where a few of the other weyrlings are clustered, the general group looking pretty cheerful overall.

Sria gets a good look at the food as she steps inside, and - on her way toward the tables to find a seat - comes up alongside Amilin for a silent, smiled greeting.

Josilina lets loose a long, slow breath before stepping up towards the front, gathering a mostly empty glass and fork on her way. She darts a glance at the Weyrlingmaster and team before striking the glass with the utensil, clearing her throat. "If I could have everyone's attention? - Good evening, everyone! And welcome to the graduation of Teonath and Sruth's clutch. We're very proud to introduce these new riders - very proud of /them/, really. They've come a very long way in two turns, and we're sure they will do a wonderful job going on in the world."

S'din quiets from whatever it was he was doing, though you know it was important. He is, after all, the WeyrlingMaster. And he dutifully listens to his WeyrWoman.

Rilsa winces slightly at the glass clanking. She murmurs to someone next to her. "Quarter mark that she will break that before the evening is up." A quick grin is sent before she turns her attention to the clanking Weyrwoman.

Eliona sits down close to a cluster of teenage girls. She leans over one to whisper to another, it seems they're unable to keep 'truly' quiet. When the weyrwoman gets into her speech though, the tall girl straightens up in her seat to listen, even if her head turns to look at the graduates from time to time.

Sria listens as Josilina speaks, after a smile upon Rilsa's remark, and Sri gives a whoop at the first appropriate - or perhaps not so appropriate - pause.

L'ian smiles at Josilina's words, and glances towards the weyrlings to see their reactions to her praise.

L'sen, still beaming, settles into a seat and grins, though he's quiet now, for once.

Shalyn sits among her wingmates, looking like a recent addition herself since she is so much smaller than everyone else. She sips at a glass of white wine while she listens to Josi's speech.

Divya sits quietly for the moment, letting Josilina give her speech.

Josilina pauses to take a long look at the assembled weyrlings, and she starts slightly at the Weyrsecond's whoop. "We're also proud of their decorum." She adds with a faint smile. "The job they face now is very different from that of not-so-long ago. But even without Thread they hold a very important position on Pern, and we have no doubt they'll continue to make High Reaches very proud of them. And we wish them the best of luck." She pauses again, this time looking towards S'din. "And now I'd like to ask our Weyrlingmaster S'din to come say a few words." And as she steps to one side, the glass is promptly abandoned on the nearest table.

S'din flashes his brightest grin at Josilina and strides to the front of the assembled mob. He hops up onto a table, deftly avoiding whatever glassware might be present and looks out over the crowd. Then he turns his attention to the assembled Weyrlings themselves, "A little less than two turns ago, you were all a bunch of reckless, addle-brained wherries! I thought that I was in for a lot of trouble in teaching you all, and that wouldn't be the first time!"

Rilsa applauds the pretty little speech and turns her attention to S'din, who is probably, going to be all mushy and stuff. No, not really but she can always hope for a breakdown or something.

C'len listens with a grin to the weyrwoman's words, then turns his attention to S'din. He's just about to take a drink--brought over by a friendly caverns worker--when he hears the comment, and laughs. Luckily, it was before the drink: otherwise, the guy across from him might have juice spewed on him.

Amilin smiles at Sria, murmuring, "Try the white," though her attention turns to face forward then, listening. And while she does says nothing more a awhile, her eyes fall on Jos' glass, watching it until she sighs softly as it's left, giving her attention then to S'din.

S'din chuckles and says, "You've all come a long way since then. There has been sweat, pain, tears, and even some blood. But I'd like to also remind you of the smiles and laughter. It was hard...deadly hard, as it always is to become a dragonrider. But you have won through. You've forged bonds with more than just your dragons, and those just as important. If you are smart, and I know you all are, you'll maintain the friendships and comraderie you've established over these two turns. You're a very special group and you deserve to know that."

Sria doesn't do a very good job of hiding her smile as S'din starts in, nor the fact that it lingers, softer, as he continues, and she shifts her gaze to the weyrlings as they're addressed. She's just managed a grin back at Amilin, though she hasn't yet collected a glass.

Divya flags down a sever and gets some wine. Watching Amilin enjoy hers helped the brownrider work up a thirst.

S'din lifts his gaze to look out over the rest of the crowd, his voice rising easily above the background noise. Shards, he's used to yelling full-force across a rowdy class of Weyrlings, this group is nothing! He says, "I would like to make special mention of my entire Weyrlingmaster staff, especially Amilin, L'ian and V'rin for their invaluable help! They proved of more worth than I can ever repay and so at the least I would like to thank them here and now, publicly for the great services they have rendered, both to myself and to all the Weyrlings."

At that announcement and thanks, some of the weyrlings begin to clap and cheer rowdily, C'len among them as he looks around to spot the weyrlingmaster's assistants.

Rilsa applauds the mentioned AWLMs. "Woo!" She calls out ever so nicely.

Divya claps loudly and offers three piercing, admiring whistles. One for each of the assistants.

Sria, also discreet, adds her own cheering.

Josilina grins as S'din takes the floor - or table, as it were - edging off to the side to collect a sack left in the care of one of the helpers, and she shifts it to the crook of her arm to applaud, moving closer again.

L'sen, not known for decorum, cheers loudly as well, clapping and grinning broadly.

L'ian looks a little surprised by the mention, and suddenly shy at the unexpected attention.

Shalyn also issues forth a shrill whistle and applause. The two men next to her wince and rub their ears.

Amilin's answer to the applause is to hide behind her glass. Shocking surprise, no? She gives a little shake of her head, then steps half behind Sri.

S'din looks back at his class, "Congratulations, all of you. You're about to take that final step into becoming full riders here at High Reaches Weyr." He lifts his arm and snaps a sharp, brief salute to them before looking over and S'rist and nodding to him before hopping down from the table and reaches out to take the bag from Josilina's arms.

Eliona applauds as expected but now that there's cheering involved and laughing she leans across to say something to her friend and then sits back up when it appears S'din isn't quite done yet. She claps again when it seems he's finally finished.

Rilsa applauds again.

Josilina passes the bag to S'din, stepping forward, "And now if you'll each step up when you're called, we have something for you all. First off, C'len, rider of Vildaeth, please come forward."

S'din reaches into the bag, searching for something, then pulls out a small wooden box. He passes it up to Josilina.

Sria cheers loudly for C'len, continuing her applause as she sends a brief glance Amilin's way and then seeks out the soon to be ex-weyrling from the group.

Suprised to hear his name called--and caught again with his drink--the weyrling shuffles to a standing position and then makes him way toward the front. "Ma'am, sir," C'len greets the pair, looking a little wary at what they might have for him. Hopefully it doesn't involve any of the Weyrwoman's baking.

Rilsa places two fingers between her lips and whistles loudly at C'len's name when called.

Josilina grins broadly at her mentee, "Congratulations C'len." She hands him the box, before calling out several more names, handing each a box as they pass through. Eventually she calls, "L'sen, rider of Neiveth and Wingleader of Flurry, please come forward."

L'sen cheers loudly for C'len, though he stops abruptly when his own name is called. Grinning again, he steps forward to meet S'din.

Rilsa gives a louder whoop when her mentee is called forward but then falls into the typical whistle-cheering when her mentee's friend L'sen is called.

Amilin cheers loudly for C'len, but then is just as quick to return to her drink after giving a proud smile. As L'sen's called up, the process is repeated, except for an added glance and a shrug Sri's way.

S'din fishes around the now-nearly-empty bag and pulls out yet another identical box and passes it once more to Josi before setting the empty bag aside.

Eliona claps for the names. One of the girls she's seated with squeals in delight and jumps up to go kiss a congratulation to one of the boys Josilina hands a box to before L'sen's name is called.

Divya applauds for C'len and L'sen in between drinks of wine. Soon enough her glass is empty and she signals for another one.

C'len can't help it, he prods the edge of the box open and peeks inside. No cookies--something much nicer, and there's a big grin to go with it before he closes the box, carrying it carefully in front of him.

"Congratulations, L'sen." Josilina smiles at him, handing the box over and standing aside again, now applauding for the ex-weyrlings.

Sria yells a cheer for L'sen, applauding and whistling every now and then as the weyrlings are called to the front.

L'sen accepts the box quickly, positively beaming. "Thanks!" he tells the weyrlingmasters and Josilina cheerfully, before turning to return to his seat. Before he ever reaches it, he's opening it, curious as he inspects it and pulls out the gift: a fine ring he slides onto his finger and admires. "Nice. Thanks," he offers again.

Shalyn adds her cheers and applause to the room. Her glance to her own graduation ring still on her finger.

Rilsa cheers again as the last of the weyrlings, now riders, gets their gifts.

L'ian applauds as well, waiting until everyone was through to start his loud clapping.

Divya keeps up the routine--applaud the new rider, drink, applaud the new rider, drink, and so on. She's having fun.

S'din steps up beside Josilina and calls out over the applause , cherring and whistling, his voice cutting through admirably to say, "If you would all be so kind as to join the former Weyrlings out in the bowl, they have an aerial show prepared for you to demonstrate some of the skills they have learned! They will be flying in the airspace just outside the Living Cavern, so please join us!" He nods to the Weyrlings and motions to the bowl entrance, urging them to precede him.

Eliona gets up at the instructions. "Did you see that one?" She asks her friends pointing at one particularly tall weyrling boy. They all giggle and gossip about the weyrlings as they walk out towards the bowl.

Sria applauds, applauds, and then follows the procession of the crowd outside to the bowl - though she idles by the serving tables for a moment, long enough to overhear a giggle that makes her grin, and she comes away with a small plate of wrapped cheeses and toast spread.

Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the western side of the bowl, the high crownlike spires of the Seven Spindles on the north wall tower magestically above the roughly ovoid bowl floor. Near you, a large boulder stands, placed almost exactly in the center of the bowl. This side of the bowl is busy with the constant flow of residents and visitors around the entrance to the living cavern to the southwest and the lower caverns to the west. To the north, the large opening on the upper wall leading into the hatching grounds catches your eye. Directly below it, the ground entrance to the same area seems almost tiny. Northwest, the weyrs belonging to the junior queens of High Reaches are accessible from a short set of stairs and a path of carefully laid black marble leads from them to the entrance to the living cavern. To the south, a few ground weyrs remain unoccupied, in case any visiting or injured dragons need them.
     The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. The smaller Belior shines in half moon while Timor is a nearly full waxing gibbous. It is completely still, no winds blow and the summer air feels stiflingly hot.


Obvious exits:

LIving Cavern Lower Caverns Hatching Grounds Ground Level Guest Weyrs Eastern Bowl Floor

Among the weyrlings stepping outside is L'sen, still with that silly grin. He meets Neiveth there, falling into line with the other weyrlings.

Josilina follows the general masses out, collecting a glass somewhere along the way. Catching up with her sister she arches her eyebrows, "What -is- it with you and that outfit?" She asks, feinting to steal from the brownrider's plate at the same time.

C'len follows as well, finding Vildaeth nearby as the weyrlings fall into rank as if they'd practiced for hours. Probably did, too.

S'din stands before the former Weyrlings as they stand in arrow-straight formation before him. He looks them over once and then, without saying a word, nods and they all leap to dragonback, rising in measured ranks as their wingleaders give them the signal.

Sky above the Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     You fly just a few dragonlengths above the bowl floor. As the daylight nears its end, the bowl below you begins to come alive with the activities of the evening. The dim light from the glows suffuses the bowl, but few details are visible. Above you, the stars begin to peek out: the brighter stars twinkle slightly.
     A slight wind from the southwest almost seems to carry with it the scent of the apple orchards from Nabol, though perhaps it's just your imagination. Far below you, however, you can see rush about the weyr: people, looking more like trundlebugs from this height, scurry to and fro with their chores.
     In the waning light, you can make out the lone form of the watchrider on the Star Stones, to the east.


Obvious exits:
Hatching Grounds Guest Weyr East Down Up

>> The Riders arrange themselves in a simple straight line formation as they gain altitude. Each dragon slips easily and readily into place in drill-perfect fashion.

>> On the ground below, "Sh - hey," Sria protests without effort, pulling her plate away too late. "I'm hungry, you know. - And S'din gave me this," she replies, twisting her hip to knock the crop's end into Josilina's leg, "So it's only appropriate. Would you rather I wore the bikini?" But the last is quiet, as she adjusts to watch the weyrlings show off their skills.

>> On the ground below, Rilsa maneuvers herself to stand near S'din and AMilin. "I lost a quartermark when Josi didn't break a glass so I hope the weyrlings show is going to be better than my day."

>> Neiveth flies along with the other weyrlings, neatly in place and with a very practiced air, rather than his usual flamboyance.

>> On the ground below, S'din grins at Rilsa, "Well, you've got me standing right here next to you, so it looks like your day has already improved!"

>> On the ground below, Rilsa rolls her eyes before looking up at the skies.

>> On the ground below, Josilina rubs her leg where the crop hits it with an exaggerated wince, "Don't care -who- gave it to you. It's still all... you know. At least the bikini's not -gray-." She too quiets as the weyrlings take to the sky, looking up and nibbling on the stolen bit of food.

>> Vildaeth's narrow wings carry him up and into the line, near its center, excitement clear from the tip of his darkened amber muzzle to his pale, long tail. He manages to seem as if he's paying attention, not even distracted by the large group of people watching from below.

>> Now that they have gained their working altitude, just above the bowl, the whole line bends, rotating around the center. The ends of the line sweep quickly forward as they are manned by the faster, more nimble blues and greens. The center bronze holds his position and soon the sides are swept forward into a classic "V" formation.

>> On the ground below, Eliona looks up to watch the display. Like many others she's talking about the show, oohing over the formation in the wings and glancing around to see if there's anything going on in the crowds to be talked about.

>> Neiveth is positioned toward one of those ends, sweeping forward in the vee formation. He arches his neck, tail flicking slowly as he takes up the new position.

>> Vildaeth vanes his cinnamon-tinged wings to hold his position, barely moving at all as the weyrlings form into the well-known formation. He's even in the line, wings held wide to help him remain aloft.

>> With another silent command, the "V" begins to move once more. This time, the ends of the "V" sweep back past the center into an inverted "V" pattern, the two legs of the formation swept away and back from the large bronze who now leads the entire wing.

>> On the ground below, Sria grins, her plate all but cleared even now, and she watches. "They look good together," she murmurs.

>> Neiveth's wingbeats slow as he sweeps backward, letting the other dragons in the center catch up and overtake him until he's at the back of the formation instead.

>> Not even turning his head to watch the progress, so as to keep his form, still Vildaeth shifts slightly to accomodate the change in direciton of the formation. His wings beat regular intervals, moving him just enough that he's in the proper place at the proper time.

>> On the ground below, Rilsa nods approvingly, watching the skies. "Well done. Very precise."

>> The formation climbs a bit, each dragon keeping its place as the wing rises, then curls in on itself, losing some of its cohesion as the dragons all dive for the center of the bowl! At the last second, they pull up hard, wingsails booming, the sound echoing throughout the bowl as the dragons pull back hard and climb, letting their momentum carry them up the insides of the bowl walls.

>> Neiveth, with the other dragons in the wing, angles himself upward and then dives, recklessly, showcasing his talents for flying. His pull-up is later than some of the more cautious dragons, and wings quiver with the strain as he spreads them again and then angles upward once more.

>> The initial climb, for Vildaeth, seems easier than the second: after the dive, his wings catch in the air and pull him up, though he shies away from bringing himself too close to the bowl's wall. His long tail trails behind him, pale against the rock of the wall as the group flies up again.

>> On the ground below, Josilina startles a little at the boom, and smiles as they go up again. "They timed that one well."

>> On the ground below, Rilsa applauds that dive, even as she makes that half-duck motion. "Oh ... that -was- well done."

>> As the entire wing rises, their rising path slows and they begin to all curl inward, every last dragon heading for the center, high above the bowl. Every single one of them seems to be on a collision course! Large bronzes and browns zoom closer than a dragonlength from each other, their paths criss-crossing as they narrowly miss each other. All the while, the nimble greens and blues who had less momentum flap and race through the larger, slower dragons.

>> On the ground below, "They do," Ami agrees, quietly with a grin sent Sria's way as the senior most of the assistants still keeps to the back ground, even on this day.

>> Neiveth heads toward the center of formation as well, flitting between caps in the larger dragons' formations. Quickness serves him well in this regard, as he demonstrates his agility with several close calls with bronzes and browns.

>> Vildaeth tucks his wings into his body just as one of the browns grows close, managing to avoid an accident by mere feet. It doesn't seem to faze him as he arrows toward the center, despite the seemingly craziness of the group's movements.

>> On the ground below, Eliona gasps at the near accident and then points out Vildaeth talking excitedly to the group around her. "Did you see that? Wasn't that great? He pulled out so quickly!"

>> After passing each other, the dragons begin to fly in a tight circle, nose to tail, spinning in the sky. All together, they turn their heads outward and breath flame, creating a wheel of fire above the bowl. Then, just as the wheel fully forms, they all simultaneously blink *between* and the circle of fire glows in the skies all by itself for a few moments before finally fading away, ending the show.

Western Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the western side of the bowl, the high crownlike spires of the Seven Spindles on the north wall tower magestically above the roughly ovoid bowl floor. Near you, a large boulder stands, placed almost exactly in the center of the bowl. This side of the bowl is busy with the constant flow of residents and visitors around the entrance to the living cavern to the southwest and the lower caverns to the west. To the north, the large opening on the upper wall leading into the hatching grounds catches your eye. Directly below it, the ground entrance to the same area seems almost tiny. Northwest, the weyrs belonging to the junior queens of High Reaches are accessible from a short set of stairs and a path of carefully laid black marble leads from them to the entrance to the living cavern. To the south, a few ground weyrs remain unoccupied, in case any visiting or injured dragons need them.
     The evening is clear, with a few small clouds crossing the twinkling stars. Through the whispy clouds you can see the stars. The smaller Belior shines in half moon while Timor is a nearly full waxing gibbous. There seems to be a light breeze and the summer air feels stiflingly hot.


Obvious exits:
LIving Cavern Lower Caverns Hatching Grounds Ground Level Guest Weyrs Eastern Bowl Floor

Sria cheers aloud as the show comes to its finale, and cradles her plate in one elbow so as to more effectively applaud. "Mmn," she murmurs agreement upon Rilsa's comment, her glance directed towards those clapping around furious note-taking.

Neiveth reappears from /between/ and spirals downward to the bowl again, where his rider dismounts with a loud whoop. "It's over," he remarks smugly, grinning at the blue.

S'din chuckles and allows L'sen to keep his illusions for the time being. After all, it's not HIS job to disabused him of the notions anymore, is it?

Vildaeth and C'len emerge over the bowl just after the pair of L'sen and Neiveth, swooping to a neat landing from where they earlier took off. "Good job," C'len calls cheerily to the other weyrlings as he slides down toward the bowl.

Josilina manages to balance her glass in the crook of her arm in order to applaud, letting out a cheer when the former weyrlings reappear.

Amilin's applause is at it's loudest yet, for all her quiet through the evening. She cheers the former weyrlings return and sends proud, pleased smiles their way.

Eliona grins at a few of the riders as they land. "Spectacular," she comments aside to no one in particular.

Josilina is still clapping when one of the workers from inside comes to get her with some sort of whispered explaination involving a broken glass or six, and the two hurry off.

C'len watches with a hint of concern as his mentor hurries off, but it doesn't seem to dampen his spirits. His hand rests on Vil's neck, scritching there, grinning lrage enough to split his face. "We did it, we did it," he murmurs softly to the bronze.

L'sen mingles around the bowl, chatting animatedly with other former weyrlings and other friends and family, having a grand time, as always.

s'din, eliona, shalyn, divya, josilina, rilsa, l'ian, sria, amilin, l'sen, c'len

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