[Log] A Place to Celebrate

Nov 22, 2005 15:00

Who: Josilina, L'sen
When: Unknown
Where: Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr; Emtpy Weyrs, High Reaches Weyr
What: Josilina helps L'sen and Neiveth pick out a weyr.

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
     Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.
     The afternoon is clear, and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past. A light wind blows and the summer air feels stiflingly hot.

Obvious exits:
Weyrleader Ledges Western Bowl Floor Dragon Infirmary Weyrling Barracks Weyrling Training Room Feeding Grounds Lake Shore

Josilina with her list of weyrling names has become a familiar sight these past few days, and so it's likely not too big a surprise to see her waiting by the barracks entrance again, piece of hide in hand, waiting expectantly for the next free weyrling to wander near.

L'sen steps out of the barracks with a yawn, ruffling at his hair as he glances around at Neiveth, who follows him out. "Yeah, I'm bored," he notes, shaking his head. "You think we can? I think we can. Let's go--hey!" He breaks off as he sees Josilina, smile brightening. "/That's/ what we can do," he decides.

Josilina grins in response, nodding. "It is indeed. In fact it's something you -should- do, if you want to have a place of your own to celebrate in, after graduation. Early congratulations on that, by the way." She reaches for Lhiannonth's straps, using them to help pull herself onto the dragon's neck. "If you and Neiveth are ready, you can follow Lhiannonth."

"Hey, thanks, ma'am," remarks L'sen with a grin, as he turns to Neiveth. He turns and hauls himself up the blue's neck clumsily yet, settling there. "We're ready for it, you know? Right behind you." He grins brightly.

The Windy Weyr
     This is a spacious ledge, large enough to comfortably hold a pair of bronze dragons, and it catches cool summer breezes (and freezing winter winds). The entrance to the back room is narrow, serving almost as a wind tunnel - air cirulation is certianly not a problem here. The ledge is free of debris, anything that might have been left there the last time it was used having long since blown away. This may be a concern to any future tenants, anything as anything that could blow away will blow away steps would need to be taken to batten lighter things down some way.
     The back room is equally spacious, able to be divided into 2 separate rooms with creative placement of furniture. Pushed off to the side, protected from direct exposure to the elements, is a cot, press, table and 2 chairs. The furniture is in good condition, as though it was used only a few turns before the weyr was abandoned, though it is all covered in fairly thick layers of dust. A tapestry depicting a wing of dragons hangs on the wall near the opening to the ledge and has faired more poorly. Thankfully there is a fireplace, which will come in handy since you already find yourself chilled to the bone just standing in the entrace to the weyr after a few minutes.


Obvious exits:

Lhiannonth lands on the spacious ledge, lowering her neck to allow her rider to dismount. "I bet you are," Josilina responds to the earlier comment, before remarking on the weyr: "Plenty of room, at least. And breezes."

"Yeah, it's big," remarks L'sen, craning his neck all around to peer at the large weyr. Neiveth croons as well, eyeing it more skeptically than his rider. "Neiveth thinks it's kind of cold and uncozy. Like, /too/ big. Which is weird, because big is good, right? But." A shrug.

Josilina wrinkles her nose at the dust, nodding, "Maybe it's because he's sort of smaller? Looks like this might've been for some of the bigger dragons, back when. Want to look at another?" She pauses and adds, "There's time to look at a few, so don't feel rushed. Are you after anything in particular?"

L'sen nods, grinning. "Guess that's it," he agrees easily. "Me, I'm not that particular, but Neiveth, he likes things to be just right. I'm thinking... hmm. Something big enough for a couple of people, maybe--you know, just, er, in case or something--but not absolutely huge. Like, I bet Lhiannonth and Teonath could both fit in here good, but maybe just for a couple of dragons Neiveth's size? I dunno." He shrugs good-naturedly.

Josilina frowns, thoughtful for a moment, before waving for L'sen to follow her back to the dragons. "I've got an idea. It's not... well, I'm not sure about size-wise. But if I remember right, the ledge is pretty neat. I don't know if you two would like it, but maybe." And this time she and Lhiannonth lead the way to a weyr with multi-leveled ledges.

View to a Kill Ledge
     A sabre's curl of smooth, sleek rock, with its jagged, violent-scarred edge and dropping walls, forms this narrow and nifty little ledge. Tucked in tight against the naturally pillar'd walls and set beneath larger landing surfaces for the weyrs above, alighting here is no easy feat. However, once settled, there is a neat conglomeration of smaller ledges all set in at different heights, just perfect for dragons to sit, catch some sun, and spy down on the world below. There is even a precariously perched human-sized ledge overlooking everything, though its raised edges have trapped dirt, dust, sand, leaves, a somewhat surprising collection of sunbleached bones, a green sunhat, and an old boot. The main ledge is high enough above the pens to be clear of dust and, for the most part, smells and odors, but the bleat and call of the herdbeasts still echoes out across the bowl below, as do the gleeful screams of hunting dragons.
     For the Riders' comfort, some artistic hand has sculpted curved benches out of the rock face to create a semi-circle around the obsidian-fletched oval table in the middle and braziers for coals and fire can be filled and lit against the chill of colder seasons. Rusted iron-work sconces might be restored to hold lanterns of glowlight though they'll have to be kept well shuttered against the howling winds.
     Inside the elegant, dark-flecked weyr is more ironwork and heavy wood: large hearth, large bed, and a short, spiraling staircase that ends suddenly in a child-sized sleeping alcove above the comfy dragon wallow. The mantle, long and large, is dominated by a very impressive collection of sporks, some just rough wooden spoon-forks with a placename carved along the handle, others truly quite pretty with inlaid bits of metal to indicate Craft and Hold, or decorated with a tidy bit of woodcarving. The walls are sleek and smooth, naturally cut through with volcanic glass, and though this weyr is stuffy in summer, it is cozy and warm throughout 'Reaches long winter. Still, like the ledges outside, each room is slightly smaller than most, slightly staggered, in elevation, and slightly awkwardly positioned; quirky, but charming, and there's a lovely set of martini glasses left in the cupboards.


Obvious exits:

L'sen eyes the weyr critically, grin brightening. Even Neiveth perks up, poking his nose about and inspecting the multi-leveled weyr. "Wow, this one's kind of... wow! Neiveth likes it--it's... quirky. Yeah. That's a good word, Nei," he remarks, nodding. "Can we have this one?"

Josilina grins at the weyrling's reaction, nodding. "Sure can! It really is awfully nice. Anyway, I hope it treats you guys well, and I'm glad you like it."

L'sen glances around again, nodding. "I think it will, thanks. It's great," he notes, as Neiveth rumbles his agreement.

Josilina nods and heads for Lhiannonth, "Enjoy it you two! And I'll see you at graduation!"

josilina, l'sen

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