Ore-sama Olympics Round 2 Submission

Sep 20, 2006 23:48

Title: The Wurst Day Ever
Author: Echizen Ryoga
Rating: G it’s nearly all innuendo ;)
Characters: Tezuka-centric with a little Chibisuke thrown in for good measure
Word Count: 782
Notes: This is for the theme 'The Worst Day Ever' in the Ore-sama Olympics. Okay, so maybe I was a little unconventional in my interpretation of the word ‘worst’. I thought it was amusing anyway. For those of you uncultured people who don’t know, Lufthansa is the German national airline.

The Wurst Day Ever

Tezuka Kunimitsu approached the Lufthansa check in desk with what he hoped was an air of superior nonchalance. The way he usually walked. But today he was finding it very challenging. Clearing his throat carefully, the way he would before telling the Seigaku regulars to ‘not get careless’ he placed his passport on the desk in front of the young woman sitting there. She was wearing a mustard yellow blouse with navy trim and a rather ostentatious shade of lipstick, but Tezuka supposed she couldn’t help the uniform she wore any more than he could help the growing problem in his trousers.

‘Guten tag,’ the woman said, whose name, on further inspection of her badge appeared to be Frieda, ‘where are you going today young man?’

Had this been any normal day, Tezuka would have been faintly taken aback by her address, but this being a day complicated for a number of reasons, he answered simply. ‘Tokyo.’

Checking his documents quickly, fingers flying at lightening speed over the keyboard, she checked his tennis bag into the hold with a smile. ‘Going on holiday are we?’

Tezuka furrowed his brow slightly. ‘No.’ Usually he would not have been so blunt, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on his surroundings. The check in girl didn’t seem to notice though, chattering inanely about how beautiful Japan must be in the spring, which coincidentally, it was not.

‘Oooh,’ she cried, eyes lighting up with the excitement of doing something out of the ordinary. Tezuka started blankly back at her. ‘Travellers to Japan are no longer permitted to carry foodstuffs in their luggage. Some health scare about pineapples I think,’ she reeled off. ‘So make sure you don’t have any snacks with your before you get on the plane okay?’ she finished before winking somewhat inappropriately.

‘Aa.’ Tezuka replied flatly before walking quickly away from the desk, hoping that his cheeks weren’t as red as thought they might be.


Sitting down was something of a problem. Tezuka waited for 20 minutes at his designated gate before attempting to settle himself on one of the hard plastic chairs, praying with all his might that nothing would become ‘dislodged’. Everything seemed to be going well until he noticed a small blonde boy staring at him open mouthed. Looking down, Tezuka hastily tried to rearrange the ‘package’ before a shriek rang out through the air. The boys mother was starring at him with a look of disgust, covering her sons eyes with one hand whilst dragging him over to the other side of the waiting area with the other, muttering something about ‘teenagers these days’.

Tezuka wondered how he had ever become this careless.


Apparently German police had stepped up their drug prevention schemes somewhat; the airport terminal was literally crawling with sniffer dogs and their handlers. Tezuka tried to remain calm as he walked past a rather boisterous spaniel, pretending that he hadn’t noticed the dog straining at its leash as it caught his scent. Quickly stepping into the nearest bathroom before its handler realised, Tezuka leant against the cold tiled wall, listening to his heart thud in his ears and contemplating that it would be impossible to suffer any more embarrassment in one day than he already had.

He was wrong. It was the women’s bathroom.


Tezuka had never really enjoyed flying anyway, but with a decidedly sticky feeling pooling around his thighs and the woman next to him commenting on the distinct aroma of ‘old cat food’ in the air, to which he hastily agreed, it was all the less pleasant. Staring out of the window at the sea far below, he closed his eyes slowly, wondering if it had really been worth all the trouble.


He hadn’t been expecting anyone to meet him at the airport; he hadn’t told anyone of the time his flight was due in, which meant that in reality, only Inui would know. Walking slowly through the departures gate, each step becoming steadily more and more uncomfortable, Tezuka didn’t notice the small figure standing beside him until he felt a somewhat impatient hand pulling at his sleeve.

The black haired boy smirked before leisurely looking Tezuka up and down, at which point his grin widened.

‘Buchou,’ he exclaimed in mock surprise, ‘is that a sausage in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?’

Maybe, Tezuka thought as he found himself struggling to keep balance as a pair of wiry but surprisingly strong arms latched themselves around his neck, it was a good thing he had smuggled that bratwurst in his trousers. After all, Ryoma didn’t need to know it wasn’t in his pocket.


Enjoy, heh. I hope some more of you actually read it this time ;__;

ore-sama olympics round #2

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