Ore-sama Olympics Round 2 Submission!

Sep 20, 2006 19:27

This is my first ever fic (although it's really more of a drabble, dane) So be nice and give me lots of encouragement, dane! :D

Title: A Bad Day
Author: Me, dane!!
Rating: G
Characters: Me and Atsushi and Yuuta, dane!! And Kaidoh, dane!
Theme: "The Worst Day Ever" for Atobe's silly Olympics thing! :D
Notes: This may not be entirely fiction, dane!

It was the day after the match with Momo and Kaidoh dane, and Shinya was in the sick ward at school, dane! I don't really like it in there, dane, all the nurses are snooty (and none of them are hot, dane!!) and it smells of disinfectant and it's boring, dane! Anyway. Shinya had a massive bruise on his face and that made him sad, dane, because it meant that the ladies might not think he was foxy! But then Yuuta came and saw Shinya and said that in his experience, dane, women find bruises and scars hot because it shows that the guy is tough, dane!! So Shinya thought it might not be so bad after all, dane!! But then Yuuta mysteriously caught fire, and then so did Kaidoh! It was all very strange, dane!!

So Shinya was sad because Yuuta was all flamey, so he got out of bed and went to find Atsushi! He thought maybe they could play tennis together, dane!! Practice how to seal Momo's Dunk Smash properly, dane!!

But Atsushi was in Chiba, dane! It was so tragic, dane!! So Shinya decided to go and get some lunch, dane!!

He went to the cafeteria and picked up a tray, but it turned out today's special was duck sushi! So he felt very sad and went to bed, dane.

Leave me lots of reviews and comments, dane!!!

ore-sama olympics round #2

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