well then

Nov 29, 2022 23:04

So, in preparation for having to provide my own health insurance, I stepped onto the scale for the first time in ... well, it's been a while. And oof: 10 pounds higher than anticipated. Still (slightly) below what my private freak-out number would've been, but close enough that it's time to get serious about getting back into shape. Not that I've really been an ideal weight since, well, puberty--but I've had stretches were it was at least tolerable.

The timing's pretty good to do something about it, at least: I find December so much easier to start in on new projects than January, never mind "new year's resolutions". December gives you something to anticipate with Christmas, which somehow makes it easier, like riding a bike downhill. Trying to do much of anything in January feels like trying to start up a hill from halfway--no momentum to help carry you.

So I've downloaded a decent calorie-counter, dug out my stationary bike (stopped using it when I go the dog--would've been a Bad Idea when he was a puppy, and since then he's gotten so big that it's kind of awkward, but he'll just have to deal with not having full use of my bedroom floor), told my mom of my plans, and we'll see how far I can get. Even if it's not all the way down to my target weight, as long as it's even somewhat in that direction, it's a win in my book. The main thing is to keep the number from going up!

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