ficlet: Emptiness

Nov 30, 2022 15:38

Trying to remember how this whole 'writing fiction' thing works.... 107 words for the 1_million_words daily alphabet challenge: S. Don't know if this will wind up fitting anywhere into the main Laugh, Said the Rabbit fic, if it ever gets written, but hey: words! that I wrote spontaneously! whoo!

Six feet of awkward, jagged climbing down, the cave floor smoothed and shifted to a gentle incline--rippled and worn smooth by long-ago water. The surface shone slightly in the light from the camping lantern, but when Jane rubbed her hand against it, there wasn't even the slightest hint of moisture.

The roof of the cave soared away far above them, and the cave itself widened suddenly, so that there was only empty darkness surrounding their moving pool of light. Every noise they made echoed and re-echoed into an infinity of whispered squeaks and scuffs.

Stepping out onto the flat cave floor felt like leaping into an abyss.

fiction fragments, laugh said the rabbit, all fiction, original fiction

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