So... mom brought home some sidewalk chalk while Joe was over Saturday. Huzzah! I can start on that crazy "sprites-on-the-wall" project I mentioned a couple posts ago. It's not a very... robust collection, though. 15 pices in 7 colors, one of which is white, and none of which are grey or black, although I expected as much. There's not a whole lot of contrast, either... they're all light pastels, and the green looks more like a light teal. But it didn't cost me nothin', so what the Hell! I'll give it a shot. After screwing around with my digital camera and paint shop trying to figure out what various sprites woud look like in chalk form, I have come to the conclusion that my camera absolutely sucks at capturing colors accurately or vibrantly, and the only way I'll figure out what this shit is gonna look like is to just go out there and do it. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that metroid sprites simply would not work in pastels. I'll probably go with SMB3 or River City Ransom.
But I'll be damned if
this wouldn't make the whole endeavor a billion times easier. I could probably go all SNES or maybe eve arcade with that shit. Very sexy.
God I'm such a nerd. :P