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Mar 20, 2017 13:34

I ran a half marathon yesterday. I am still a little in shock that I managed it. It only seems like the other day that I was struggling to run a for a minute. A friend told me that when he first met me I'd lose my breath eating a pie, and now I have a huge shiny half marathon medal hanging in my bedroom.

It was much tougher than I expected. My longest training run had been 10miles, which should have been ideal preparation. I think I was a little hindered on the day by it being more multi-terrain than expected - we ran down footpaths, pavements, grass and gravel, some of which on an incline. It was also very windy and the last 2 miles were into a headwind.

I had hoped for a time sub 2:15, but in the end I clocked in at 2:24. My main goal was to finish it and I achieved it, so I am delighted with myself.

During the race I told myself I would not ever do one again. Yet today I am already eyeing up the Bristol Half Marathon in September. I do need to duck under 2:15 after all.

Here are some photos from yesterday. My sister also ran and that was a huge achievement for her too. The other fellow (apart from Henry VIII - we were at his home in Hampton Court) is Alex, which is a friend from Bristol. Plus there is an old photo of me, to show how big I was.

In other news: Juno had her second birthday recently and we took her for a very long walk between Bristol and Bath, followed by plenty of pampering back at home. I wish my life was as comfortable as hers. Having said that, she was attacked yesterday by a neighbour's husky type dog. Immediately behind my house there is a small hidden woodland. I was playing ball with Juno when this beast leapt the wall and attacked her. I had to dive in, shout at the dog and hit it with the ball thrower. It climbed off Juno and I dragged her away before the owner appeared in his dressing gown. I think I was more shaken by it than Juno. She escaped with a few cuts, but fortunately nothing deep.

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