Couples meme

Dec 08, 2016 13:34

memes - they remind me of LJ 10 years ago!

Who is older?
Me by 3 years. Though I look about 15 years older

Did you go to the same school?
Nope. He grew up in China. I grew up in England

Who is the most sensitive?
I would say him. I have my moments though.

Who has the worst temper?
Him. Definitely him. When I lose mine, I sort myself out within a short space of time. He has managed to be furious for a week before.

Who is more social?
About the same. We both have pretty active social lives. Its rare to have a clear weekend or even one midweek evening when I am home.

Who is the most stubborn?
Me. I am learning that other ideas can sometimes be better though.

Who wakes up first?
Me. He could sleep for China England. I wake around 6.15am. The alarm goes off at 7am and then I have to keep talking to him so he gets up.

Who has the bigger family?
Me. One child family and all that. I have 1.5 siblings.

Do you ever get flowers?
Nope. I'm not a big fan. Most are overpriced and then they die.

Who eats the most?
Thats a close one. We both over eat. Nowadays we by-and-large stick with eating healthy food, so the sheer quantity we devour doesn't do much damage. He has been known to order a main course in a restaurant, still be hungry at the end and order a second... then get through a third.

Who wears the pants?
Its equal. It was probably more me at the start of the relationship, but now its much more balanced. Which means in a few years time it will be very much him.

Who cries more?
I don't cry (unless its a very sad movie and absolutely noone is there to witness it) and he very rarely does.

Who hogs the bed the most?
We have a huge bed. It is ridiculous. The main bed hogger is the dog. Seriously. She loves stretching out and sleeping diagonally between us.

Who said I love you first?
Me. It was a bit of an awkward moment, but it needed to be said.

Who is the better cook?
Me. He is improving vastly though. At the start he would just stick everything in one pot so it resembled brown sludge. He can now follow a recipe pretty well.

Who is more messy?
100% me. He nags like my mother when I don't put my shoes in the shoe rack or leave clothes on the floor. I've never been tidy. The place is never dirty, but tidiness seems like it isn't worth the effort.

Who is the better singer?
Him. A million times him. He is in a choir and sings around the flat. He also loves karaoke. I am tone deaf and as much as he tells me he likes my singing, we both know its a lie.

Who's the better driver?
Probably me. I have my licence and he failed his (Tho it took me 3 attempts and he only tried once). We are both rubbish though.
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