A day in my life, Saturday 10th September

Sep 12, 2016 11:39

Morning world - I'm not a fan of 8am starts on Saturdays, but needs must

I let Juno out and feed her breakfast.

When my attention wanders to other things, she then goes to play with Dawei

My first destination of the day is the gym. I plonk myself on this treadmill for 90 minutes

I catch up with the paralympic highlights. It really helps speed the time up

The smile is a little forced, but this is us as we exit the gym and head back home

Time for breakfast - I have porridge every morning these days

We take Juno for a walk - this is her favourite activity, just ahead of eating and face licking

Dawei accidentally loses her ball in the trunk of a tree. Juno is bereft.

We head home and I practice balancing treats on her nose. She is amenable to this form of humiliation.

After showers, we get ready to go out. Today is our five year anniversary

We are heading to a pub around 15 miles outside of Bristol

This is the pub. Its one of three Michelin starred restaurants in the locality and the last one for us to try

Getting comfy in the bar

We were happier than he looks in this image, I promise

This is some of what we ate. I think we had 11 courses, including canapés and petit four.

Time to head home, full and happy.

We get greeted by this hideous beast.

I leave Dawei at home and head into town. There is a surprise party for a friend and nearby another friend is having his birthday. I fail to take photos of either.

I only stay out for a couple of hours and I come home to see these two

My dinner wasn't quite up to lunchtime's standards, but it was light and simple to prepare.

I join Dawei in watching the Great British Menu and one of the competing chefs owns the restaurant we went to for lunch

The final photo of the day, shortly before bed beckoned.
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