Sep 04, 2006 17:12
I don't know what day of the week I left last week, but I left for Hornby. Sitting downtown, too early for the bus with not enough time to do anything, I ate a muffin. I thought about what I didn't want to leave and what I was glad to get away from. I love sunny ferry rides. Guitars being played, children dancing in the wind, blazing, enjoying the time going by slowly. Getting to the second ferry, I remembered that Denman Island is not for walking across. Nervous. I started asking cars with open windows where they were going and if I could come. After the fifth car (awkward x5), a girl came out of her van and offered me a ride. Phew. We covered the politics of flush toilets before we got off the ferry, I think. I knew I was headed in the right direction.
Trips to the beach, going for walks, blackberry picking, card games, visiting pottery studios. Always sunshine. Basically, I had an amazing time. Hornby Island has the best beaches. People always seem to be heading towards or coming from the Co-op, 'downtown' Hornby. People always seem to be going over to each other's houses for dinner. I am blown away by their community. One night, I was playing cards with Chelsea, her mom, and two of her mom's friends. We were playing a trump game called asshole and I had just gone from the asshole back to the asshole. We had been smoking tobacco mixed with hash mixed with Hornby weed. I yelled out, "Shit-fuck!" Silence. Laughter. There's me, yelling shit-fuck over a card game. Not just shit. Not just fuck. Polyswearing. I am still giggling over that. Shit-fuck, shit-fuck.
Crickets singing all day. The sound of crickets slowed down sounds like a chorus. I just listened to it online. "There aren't any cougars on Hornby Island, but there are cougs...." ! Of course, of course. Chelsea said that every day on Hornby is like a Sunday and it is true. Things take longer to do and it doesn't matter. Yah, we might see you there, but don't wait. Hitching from here to there. The first night, I saw Miami Vice at the movie night. I was impressed with how many people turned out and how much energy was put into the community event. However, I was pretty burnt out and sleepy, but from what I did see of the movie, it was fairly predictable. I don't think anybody going was expecting big surprises.
On Saturday, my last night on Hornby, I went to Little Tribune to lay in the sun by myself. I don't know why I brought a magazine, as I only read one article and a bit. I was just caught up in thinking about the near future. Getting high as the sun got low, sipping still cold ginger beer, kids laughing while their parents took turns drying them. After eating and dressing to suit a night full of outdoor dancing, we headed up to the talk of the week, the end of the summer rave dubbed "Living the Dream." People seemed to come from all around. Locals, visitors. Chelsea has amazing friends, naturally. It made for quite the time. I heard that people danced until 1pm the next day. So many stars. Trees all around.
I tried ecstasy for the first time at the rave. Enjoyable. I lost control and just went at it. Dancing, dancing. Every move felt right. I thought about five rhythms and copied other people's moves for awhile. I pretended that I was spinning fire. It was like everybody was singing together through dance. The beat kept going and my body always wanted to respond. My skin was electric. People touching me, me touching anything. I desperately wanted to engage with people, sit down and talk. I laughed so hard the next day when I thought about how many people I asked to sit and talk with me. I wasn't even talking about major things, just chatting, talking people's ears off. Hilarious. I chilled out by myself for a couple minutes, looking upwards. The stars were sweepable, like a hundred games of dice going on at once. Made me think of this Patti Smith song. I met this guy from Australia and we talked. He told me about his girl friend back home and how frustrated he was. I responded with, "Oh yah, Hornby girls." He said, "What's with them?" "Well, they're the best." "Really?" "Totally the best." Uhh? Now that is fucked, maybe even shit-fucked. Not playing devil's advocate, but just loving everything. The body high made me feel weightless. Any movement was easy to do. No breaks neccesary. We left as the sun started coming up. Slept. Woke up a little high.
Around noon, I headed back to the beach I had been the evening before. I sat on a large rock in the middle of the beach. Reflected on the evening, took all my clothes off and went into the ocean. I love the feeling of what the salt does to my hair. I thought a lot about the people I care about and about what I am. Thought about nature and spirituality, where I'm at with those two. I didn't bring a towel, but the evening sun worked its magic. My muscles ached and the cool water relaxed me. Could still hear a beat in my head. Took it home, actually.
On the trip home, I thought about what Chelsea said, that energy goes to where attention is focussed. I love Chelsea so much. I'm always afraid that spending too much time with someone will make me sick of them, but coming home yesterday, cranky and sore, I loved her more than before I had left for the trip. Sigh. Somehow, I went out dancing last night. I felt I hadn't finished just yet. I laughed when someone said, "Michael keeps closing his eyes while dancing!" We all went to dance at a club, but that's not where I was last night. Definitely somewhere else.