First day off in forever. Pleasure seeking, I went to Derby Reach with Mark, sat in sushine by the water, drank some wine and read the The Walrus. Hedonism on a beach blanket, uh huh. I especially loved the Drugs, Dreams and Plants article. Tonight, I had five people over to play Risk. FYI, I love Risk. So fucking nerdy, but I can't help myself. Escapism and dice rolling. There, I'm out of the Risk closet. Finally.
I also love going back to school soon. I was talking to a friend about our mutual troubled friend. Alcoholic, heavy drug user, lots of not-so-good sex, wild "parties," and retail. I said, "There's me in a year. I hope I never get like that!" My friend said, "No way, you're in school and it can't happen." True that. Thank God for the funding hungry turbine machine, UBC. I can't wait to be spending my evenings studying. I don't know if I could survive having to work through an entire winter. I've just never done it and winter is hard enough. Going to school is way better than working shitty jobs, duh. Thank God for "mandatory" readings, profs with attitude, fatty lunch breaks, and, sure, Film Soc. Is it wrong to wish Andrea and Chelsea would fail their last year, so they could stay a year more? Year of lunch breaks with Michael = $3000? Chump change.
Tisha came over the other night and demanded we watch a chick flick. I slapped her in the face with Love Actually and we both got bittersweet nostalgia and hope for the future... you know, the usual. We picked out our most likely characters. Oh God, I couldn't decide between the guy who is in love with his best friend's wife or the wife who is disappointed with her husband. Sigmund Freud: You desire what you cannot have and in turn, people want what you have. What's karma again? Also, you love Joni Mitchell, I think.
Hornby is going to be the last bite of the plum. I get one more bite and the rest is thrown away. Next year's summer plum bite will maybe be spent with friends, volunteering abroad. What else do bourgeois, almost minimum wage earning students do during the summer? Umm probably what I did this summer. Shite, that's lame. I'm going to have to be frugal, fully. Full fledged frugal. Honestly, I don't know what stone I'll vamp from first. I'm student loanless, but wiped for cash and in debt to my parents. I cannot wait to tell them about it. Africa, Dad, me! I used everything I saved. Shit wage me, I know! Who knows when I'll ever see that much money again, huh? LOL @ I'm fucked.
Before some of my friends who graduated last year start their first year without public education, I'm been trying to make coffee dates to talk about life after high school. What a busy body mom I am! "What are you doing? Mhmm, mhmm. Well, here's what happened to me." I just hate seeing people get fucked by things that are avoidable. Also, people's philosophy of education sometimes, consequentialist students, the ends of education (degree) justifies the means of education (the university experience). "I'm going to double major in History and Politics and I haven't even taken a university class yet." Honours in both though, right? Oh, are you sure you don't want to just come out and say IR, srsly? It makes me smile because I was the same way. Naturally, I advise people to go full time, work two jobs, move during exams of course, give minimum effort so that your GPA will embarass you and split your time between two cities. The basics, I teach the basics.
My UPass might make me fat with its frivilous transit access capabilities. I wish all buses were the electrical sort. While I'm wishing, make them double decker.
What is the hardest thing about roller skating?
Telling your parents that you're gay :|
I for inappropriate! I could not have laughed harder when I heard this, drunk in the sunshine.