Jan 04, 2009 11:04
I have some AGP cards at 256mb that I might be able to give away if anyone is interested. The person who have them to me may want them back since I can't use them though. I also have a few HDs and a DVD drive. He moved to FL and didn't want to take them. Either that, or I shoplift old computer parts from best buy that don't fit my computer.
I'm trying to start an MST3K night on wednesdays before LOST (comes back 1/21). I will eventually have all 11 seasons (like 125gb) but may delete the unwatchable ones. Some of them are just plain bad. The first few episodes are bad in every way and Joel seriously makes it look like he's just reading off a piece of paper with nothing on it.
Happy 2009 & hopefully I can do a lot more this year with friends. Might not be until May, though. GRADUATIONNNN
Lesson of the month:
Don't jam AGP cards into PCIe16 slots just because it looks like it might fit. The motherboard does not appreciate it.